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Friday, February 22, 2008

My Two Cents: I've Said It Before; I'll Say It Again.

Life is finally starting to get back to some semblance of normal for me after my husband's injury this past August (no, not in combat - we're civilians. Although my puppy did attack him once he fell, so maybe that counts as some sort of combat...). Or at least, to the new normal.

I haven't been inspired - and haven't had the energy - to really rant in a while. Wouldn't you know it would be the scum of the earth - one step above the terrorists - that prompted me to do so again?

I've been criticized in the past for saying that the anti-war crowd almost invariably turns anti-troop. They'll tell you they're not.

Even when they do this, and this, and this, and this, and this.....and the list goes on.

Still, they'll tell you they're not anti-troop. And as it was forty years ago, and sixty years ago, and in every conflict where they've decided to slither in, it's a lie.

And now, once again, they're at it in D.C.

I had warned in one of my rants that if we weren't careful, the openly anti-troop crowd would take advantage of the war's waning popularity, and the weakening of American resolve, to do the things they never would have dared do in those first few months after 9/11.

We are at a critical, and very dangerous time in this war - and in this country. If we do not as a country stand up - right now - and say that our heroes are NOT to be maligned, or thrown out of town, or told that their exercises will scare people, or asked not to attend things in uniform, we are going to be right back where we were.

If you want a parallel to Viet Nam, this is it - the idiots. The wretched creatures who dare crawl out from under their slime-coated rocks to dare and attack those who give them the right to spill their worthless drivel.

It. Is. Not. Acceptable. Ever.

Not in Berkeley, not in D.C., and not in a tiny town in CT where they darken a town green every Sunday. Well, at least unless the weather is less than sunny. Lord knows they don't want to be out there if it's inconvenient.

Not in this war, not in any other war. Not at a school, not in some wildly Left-wing town. No, it shouldn't be illegal to be an idiot; I'm not saying the government should stop them. But we do not have to accept unacceptable behavior. WE should stop them. And it's easy. Simply stop accepting the behavior. Confront it - walk up and tell them they should be ashamed of themselves. Stand on the opposite corner with a sign that thanks the troops. Rev motorcycle engines so loud you drown out the idiots. I'm not saying you get violent. They do enough of that. I'm just saying do something. Don't just shake your head as you go by. Our troops are willing to be sent anywhere, to do anything they are asked - to die to protect our freedom. And dammit, we owe them better than letting these idiots operate without consequence.

There are two types of comments I remove from this blog. One is spam. The other is a comment that trashes our troops. You can argue against the war. You can argue against my viewpoint. Not a problem. But trash the troops, and I'm likely to either use your comment as an example of profound stupidity (in which case you and your insipid little friends will send me stupid emails and spam trackbacks), or I'm going to delete your lame little comment.

'Cause it's my blog, and I can. And I will.

I promised a long time ago that I would not allow it in my little corner of the world. And every moonbat that decides to mouth off about the Army flag in my window, or the POW flag on my garage door, or a post on this blog gets a full-on dose of one pissed off Soldiers' Angel.

And anyone who doesn't stand up and say that it's not acceptable to trash our troops is worse than the anti-war scum. They're idiots. But at least they care about their idiocy. If you can't muster up the energy to even give a crap, that's worse.

There is NO EXCUSE for another generation of Heroes to think they have to be ashamed of their service. There is NO EXCUSE for allowing these people to have free rein. They're cowards. They're hypocrites (their 'peace' rallies often turning violent). And they are wrong.

For me, two words come to mind when I think of our troops. Thank You.

I've got two words for the anti-troop bottom feeders too. The second one is also "You."

The first one, I'll let you figure out for yourself. It sure as heck ain't "Thank."

At the Soldiers' Angels conference this morning, Chuck asked for a bulldozer and directions to Berkeley.

I say we give them to him.

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MISSION IN MOSUL - A U.S. soldier with the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment stands in the turret of his M1-A1 Abrams tanks before a mission in Mosul, Iraq, Feb. 14, 2008. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Kieran Cuddihy

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Turkish Military Launches Ground Offense in Iraq in Pursuit of Kurdish Rebels

From Fox News, via the Associated Press:

ISTANBUL, Turkey — Turkish troops have launched a ground incursion across the border into Iraq in pursuit of separatist Kurdish rebels, the military said Friday — an action that dramatically escalates Turkey's conflict with the militants.

It is the first confirmed Turkish military ground operation in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, and it raised concerns that it could trigger a wider conflict with the U.S.-backed Iraqi Kurds despite Turkish assurances that its only target was the PKK rebel group.

The PKK militants are fighting for autonomy in southeast Turkey and have carried out attacks on Turkish targets from bases in a semiautonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq.
Private NTV television said 10,000 troops were taking part in the offensive and had penetrated 10 kilometers (six miles) into Iraq. This could not be confirmed independently....

Read the Rest

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