1095 - Council of Rockingham - bishop Anselmus vs King William II Rufus
1358 - Dalmatië flees Venice
1497 - Italians troops reconquer Taranto on France
1502 - Austrian emperor Maximilian I reformats government machine
1540 - Francisco Vásquez de Coronado searches for 7 cities of Cibola México
1570 - Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth, absolves her subjects from allegiance
1605 - Portuguese garrison on Ambon surrenders to Admiral Van der Haghen
1623 - Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria becomes monarch of Palts
1634 - Irish captain Walter Devereaux kills duke Wallenstein
1643 - Dutch US colonists kill Algonquin-Indians
1667 - Abraham Crijnssens fleet reach Fort Willoughby on Suriname River
1746 - Cumberlands troops occupy Aberdeen
1791 - 1st Bank of US chartered
1793 - 1st cabinet meeting (At George Washington's home)
1799 - 1st federal forestry legislation authorizes purchase of timber land
1799 - Congress passes 1st federal quarantine legislation
1803 - 1,800 sovereign German states unite into 60 states
1804 - Jefferson nominated for President at Democratic-Republican caucus
1836 - Samuel Colt patents 1st revolving barrel multishot firearm
1837 - 1st US electric printing press patented by Thomas Davenport
1839 - Seminoles & Black allies shipped from Tampa Bay FL, to the West
1859 - First use of "insanity plea" to prove innocence
1862 - Congress establishes the US Bureau of Engraving & Printing; Paper currency (greenbacks) introduced in US by President Abraham Lincoln
1863 - Congress creates national banking system, comptroller of currency
1868 - Andrew Johnson impeached for violation of the Tenure of Office act
1870 - Hiram Revels, Mississippi, is sworn in as 1st Black member of Congress (Senator)
1875 - Kiowa Indians under Lone Wolf (Guipago) surrender at Ft Sill
1879 - Congress passed 1st Timberland Protection Act
1885 - US Congress condemns barbed wire around government grounds
1896 - Italian government decides to attack governor Baratieri of Eritrea
1901 - US Steel Corp organizes under directorship of J.P. Morgan
1905 - Netherlands Workers van Vakverenigingen, (NVV) political party forms
1907 - US proclaims protectorate over Dominican Republic
1913 - 16th Amendment ratified, authorizing income tax
1916 - German troops conquer Fort Douaumont near Verdun
1919 - Oregon is 1st state to tax gasoline (1¢ per gallon); League of Nations set up by Paris Treaty
1921 - Georgian SSR proclaimed
1925 - Glacier Bay National Monument established in Alaska
1926 - Francisco Franco becomes General of Spain; Kwo-Min-Tang (Guomindang) declares war on government/warlords
1927 - Gdansk & Polish accord concerning traffic through Polish corridor
1930 - Check photographing device patented
1932 - Immigrant Adolf Hitler gets German citizenship
1933 - 1st genuine aircraft carrier christened,
USS Ranger1938 - British Lord Halifax becomes Foreign Minister
1939 - 1st Anderson bomb shelter in Britain erected in an Islington garden
1941 - February strike against persecution of Jews, in Amsterdam
1943 - Vietminh forms Indo Chinese Democratic Front
1944 - US 1st Army completes invasion plan
1945 - US aircraft carriers attack Tokyo
1948 - Communists seize Czechoslovakia/C. Gottwald becomes premier
1949 - WAC Corporal rocket achieves height of 400k (record)
1951 - 1st Pan American Games open (Buenos Aires Argentina)
1952 - 6th Winter Olympics games close at Oslo, Norway
1954 - Abdul Nasser appointed Egyptian premier
1956 - Khrushchev denounces Stalin at 20th Soviet Party Conference
1957 - Supreme Court decides 6-3, baseball is only antitrust exempt pro sport
1962 - India Congress Party wins elections; Robert Kennedy visits Netherlands
1964 - Austrian chancellor Alfons Gorbach resigns
1966 - Syrian military coup under Hafiz al-Assad
1968 - Makarios re-elected President of Cyprus
1969 - Mariner 6 launched for fly-by of Mars
1974 - Veronica & Colin Scargill (England) begin tandem bicycle ride a record 18,020 miles around the world, completed on August 27, 1975
1977 - Oil tanker explosion west of Honolulu spills 31 million gallons; Soyuz 24 returns to Earth
1979 - Soyuz 32 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station
1980 - Coup ousts PM Henck Arron of Suriname
1984 - Oil fire in Cubatao Brazil kills 500
1986 - Corazon Aquino becomes President of Philippines; Former Philippines President Ferdinand E. Marcos flees in defeat; Thousands of Egyptian military police riot, destroy 2 luxury hotel
1986 -
Iran conquerors Iraq peninsula Fao1987 - US Supreme Court upholds (5-4) affirmative action
1988 - South Korea adopts constitution
1990 - Nicaraguans vote out Sandinistas
1991 -
US barracks in Dhahran Saudi Arabia hit by SCUD missile - 28 are killed1994 - Israeli extremist Baruch Goldstein massacres 30 Palestinians in Hebron; Peruvian Yak-40 crashes into mountain near Tingo Maria, kills 31
1995 - Bomb attack on train in Assam India (27 soldiers killed); Moslem fundamentalists shoot 20 Shiite mosque goers dead
1998 - Switzerland's 1st legal brothel opens in Zurich
Birthdays 1635 - Walraad the Elder, Dutch field marshall/earl of Nassau-Usingen
1643 - Ahmed II, 21st sultan of Turkey (1691-95)
1778 - José Francisco de San Martín, liberated Argentina, Chile & Perú
1794 - Gerrit Schimmelpenninck, Dutch earl of Nijenhuis/Peckedam
1807 - George Alfred Trenholm, Secretary Treasurer (Confederacy)
1808 - James Bowen, Union Major General
1809 - George Washington Cullom, Union Brevet Major General
1815 - Robert Hall Chilton, Confederate Brigadier General
1833 - Clement Anselm Evans, Confederate Brigadier General
1881 - William Foster, Communist Presidential candidate (1924,28,32)
1888 - John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State (1953-59)
1896 - John J. McClellan (Senator-AR)
1906 - Howard Zahniser, Father of the Wilderness Act
1910 - Millicent Fenwick (Representative-NJ 1975-82)
1923 - Roger Parker Lord Justice of Appeal
1928 Keith Williamson, British RAF marshal
1931 - Edward Kellett-Bowman, British MEP; J.R. Stephenson, Lieutenant-Colonel/Secretary (MCC)
1932 - Laurence New, Major-General
1937 - Bob Schieffer Austin, newscaster (CBS Weekend News)
1940 - Billy Packer Wellsville NY, basketball sportscaster (CBS)
1941 - Stewart Sutherland, Principal/Vice-Chancellor (Edinburgh University)
1947 - Lewis Moonie, British MP
1950 - Anthony Lloyd, British MP
1952 - James A. Barcia (Representative-D-MI)
Passings1247 - Hendrik IV, Duke of Limburg/earl of Bergen (1226-47)
1601 - Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, executed for treason against Elizabeth
1634 - Albrecht von Wallenstein German Duke, murdered at 50; Van Friedland/Mecklenburg General-Admiral, dies at 50
1713 - Frederik I, King of Prussia (1701-13), dies at 55
1826 - Piotr A. von der Pahlen, military governor of St. Petersburg, dies at 60
1899 - Paul Julius von Reuter, founder of the news agency (Reuters)
1915 - George Mimot, physician (Nobel-1934)
1960 - Everhardus J. van Romondt, Dutch Antillean minister, dies at 51
1968 - Camille Huysmans Belgian premier (1946-47), dies at 96
1969 - Jan Zajic, Czechoslovakian student, self incinerates
1975 - Elijah Muhammad, leader of the Nation of Islam, dies in Chicago at 77
1978 - Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr., retired Air Force General, dies at 58
1983 - John Cowles, Sr., US publisher, dies at 84
1993 - Jean G.H. "Sjeng" Tans, Dutch PM (Social Democrat, 1965-69)
1994 - Yann Piat, French MP (FN/PR), murdered at 44
Reported Missing in Action1966Causey, John Bernard,
USAF (IL); RB66C shot down
1967Hart, Joseph L.,
USAF (WY); A1E shot down
1968Brellenthin, Michael,
USMC (FL); KIA in ground action, body not recovered
Ridgeway, Ronald L.,
USMC (TX); captured in same ground action where Brellenthin was killed - released by DRV March, 1973 - alive as of 1998
1970 Sabog, Mateo,
US Army (HI); initially reported AWOL when he failed to report to duty stateside upon return from tour in Vietnam. Later changed to MIA, then
located stateside in 19961972Morgan, William J.,
US Army (LA); UH1H shot down