A few tidbits from those who keep an eye on what the "Religion of Peace" is up to:
From Jihad Watch:Jihad 101?ISLAMABAD: Jihad is not being deleted from the new curriculum because it is an integral part of Islamic teachings and Muslim beliefs, said Education Minister Lt Gen (r) Javed Ashraf Qazi on Monday.
"Jihad has many dimensions which also includes self-negation (Jihad bin nafas). We will teach students the full concept of Jihad," Qazi said during a briefing on the draft of the new curricula for classes 1 to XII. He said that Sura Al Anfal [Sura 8, The Spoils of War] and other suras over which certain western countries had reservations with regard to their Jihad teachings, were still part of the Islamiat curriculum.
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So much for peaceful demonstrations...
A Jewish activist was physically assaulted and his life was threatened during a planned "peaceful" rally held by the Muslim American Society in Boston, he told WorldNetDaily today.
"I have never been physically attacked before. I've had slurs thrown at me, got into heated debates, but what was amazing was that I was actually physically attacked," Seva Brodsky said. "Since they were the majority, and felt invincible, they threatened to kill me!"
Read the Rest******************************** From TheReligionOfPeace.com:ShariaIT WAS exactly 6am and the start of another blisteringly hot summer day when 16-year-old Atefeh Rajabi was dragged from her prison cell and taken to be executed.
Every step of the way the troubled teenager plagued by mental problems shouted "repentance, repentance" as the militiamen marched her to the town's Railway Square.
The Iranian judge who had sentenced Atefeh to death was left unmoved as he personally put the noose around her neck and signalled to the crane driver.
Kicking and screaming, Atefeh was left dangling for 45 minutes from the arm of the crane as the crowd sobbed and - under their breath - damned the mullahs.
Atefeh's crime? Offending public morality. She was found guilty of "acts incompatible with chastity" by having sex with an unmarried man, even though friends say Atefeh was in such a fragile mental state that she wasn't in a position to say no.
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Islam and Nazism (Infidel Bloggers Alliance)
This news report from Bayerischer Rundfunk explains in detail the cooperation between the Nazis and the Muslim Arab leaders during WW2.It goes on to explain how high ranking heads of the SS fled to the Arab world and carried on their activities under the protection of leaders such as President Nasser and how modern Islam has adopted a Nazi style ideology of hate and conspiracy against the Jews.
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Dear Muslims: What is It that You Don’t Understand? (alimani.com)
We, the non-Muslims—the infidels, heathens, unbelievers, apostates, enemies of Allah, najis (soiled), as you prefer to call us—would like to know what is it that you don’t understand and what it is that makes you behave so badly toward us? You blame us for your problems and believe if we embrace Islam and help establish the Islamic Ummeh the earth would be cleansed of us, transformed to paradise, and all your problems disappear.
Respectfully, we disagree. We believe that you and your system of belief are at the core of your problems; that you need to critically examine the facts rather than conveniently blame others for your ills. Keep in mind that beliefs and ideas make people human, that beliefs are roadmaps of life. To the extent that the roadmap is rational and enlightened, the path of life is illumined, pitfalls are avoided and obstacles are removed. The terrain of life has greatly changed since the roadmap of Islam was given to the wondering primitives of the Arabian Peninsula.
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