The Mother of All Moonbats
The Mother of All Moonbats, if you will - protesting a funeral, and in the most disgusting, revolting, karma-really-needs-to-kick-him-where-it-counts way. If you've been visiting for a while, you may recall me mentioning my father-in-law's tales of anti-Vietnam protesters who called people who had just lost a loved one in Vietnam, to tell them they were happy that the honorable Viet Cong had just killed their husband or child.
Never thought I'd say this, but this guy is worse. If you believe in the Dante's Inferno version of the afterlife, there's a special place reserved for people like this.
You can also find a follow up on Argghhh!, and more info at JackArmy and Bubblehead's eyewitness account of this complete and utter .
I really do NOT know what I'd do if I saw this stuff anywhere around me.
I know I say it alot, but if you want a comparison to Vietnam, the only way the present conflict is really going to be similar is if we let the media, and people like this, call the shots, distort the truth, and get away with their absolutely intolerable idiocy. Disagreeing with the war is one thing. This is something else.
And, for some reason, Google's decided to post anti-war idiots' ads on this blog. Already let 'em know what I thought of that business decision.