Fox NewsBin Laden Speaks?Al-Jazeera airs terror tapeVideo:
Terror Tape SurfacesIraq Blasts Kill 26Roadside bomb kills three GIsFirefighters Target Iraq Gas Complex BlazeNo Decision (New Orleans voting)Video:
New Orleans at the PollsAla. School Murders FoiledHamas, Fatah Agree to Attempt to Quell ProtestsRussia: Don't Pressure Iran Over Nuclear ProgramMan Found Floating on Raft at Sea Near Denmark, NorwayBonds Ends Homer DroughtSupermarket Explosions Injure 14 in Eastern UkraineAirline Passenger Subdued After Bomb ThreatCops: Man Went Shopping After Killing Family in Pa.Treasury Sec. Snow Warns on Soaring Oil Prices, DeficitsDuke Hosts Alumni Weekend Amid Lacrosse ProbeTeen Terror Attack Suspect Appears in N.Y. Court-
Video: Suspect in CourtSlain Militant ID'd as SeniorAl Qaeda OperativeNEW! Small Business PageNEW! Cybersecurity CenterReuters: Top NewsCeltic Chianti Oil consumers, producers talk but do they listen?IMF wins new powers to police global economyCourt to weigh power of EU Commission vs MicrosoftEU hopes Microsoft to comply on antitrust stepsTelstra rivals seek alternate A$3bln network planWPP Q1 revenues climbDow flirts with new record highBlue-chips flat; $75 oil outweighs earnings -
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StoryToday in History1014 - King Brian Boru of Ireland beats Danes at Battle of Clontarf
1154 - Damascus surrenders to sultan Nur ad-Din van Aleppo
1348 - 1st English order of knighthood founded (Order of the Garter)
1500 - Pedro Álvarez Cabral lands & annexes Brazil (Terra da Vera Cruz)
1504 - King Maximilian I routes troops to Bavaria
1616 - Netherlands buys De Briel/Vlissingen/Fort Rammekens from England
1633 - Sweden & Protestant German monarchy form Union of Heilbronn
1661 - English king Charles II crowned in London
1662 - Connecticut chartered as an English colony
1723 - Cornelis Steenoven elected archbishop of Utrecht
1789 - President-elect George Washington moves into Franklin House, New York
1795 - William Hastings acquitted in England of high treason
1798 - Dutch emperor accepts new Constitution
1826 - Missolonghi captured by Turks
1838 - English steamship "Great Western" docks in New York, NY
1851 - Canada issues its 1st postage stamps
1860 - Democratic convention in Charleston, SC, divided over slavery
1861 - Arkansas troops seize Fort Smith; Battle of San Antonio, TX
1864 - Battle of Cane River, LA (Red River Expedition, Monett's Ferry)
1867 - Queen Victoria & Napoleon III turn down plans for a channel tunnel
1871 - Blossom Rock in San Francisco Bay blown up
1878 - 1st Dutch test drive of steam tram
1883 - John Heemskerk Azn forms Dutch government
1891 - Jews are expelled from Moscow, Russia
1896 - Vitascope system of movie projection 1st demonstrated (Koster & Bial's Music Hall, NYC)
1900 - 1st known occurrence of word "hillbillie" (New York Journal)
1908 - Denmark, Germany, England, France, Netherlands & Sweden signs North Sea accord
1915 - ACA becomes National Advisory Council on Aeronautics (NACA)
1918 - Battle of Zeebrugge ends; Dover Patrol overthrows Germany U-boat in East Sea; National Urban League forms
1919 - Major leagues open a reduced 140-game season
1920 - Turkish Grand National Assembly 1st meets, in Ankara
1938 - Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia demand self government
1939 - Boston Red Sox Ted Williams hits his 1st homerun
1940 - Dance hall fires kills 198 (Natchez, MS)
1941 - Greece's Army surrenders to Nazis; RAF brings Greek King George II to Egypt
1942 - 4-day allied bombing on Rostock begins; Luftwaffe bombs Exeter
1943 - British & US offensive directed at Tunis/Bizerta
1945 - Concentration camp Flossenburg liberated
1948 - KSTP TV channel 5 in St Paul-Minneapolis MN (ABC) 1st broadcast
1949 - Courtesy mail boxes for motorists started in San Francisco; Chinese Red army conquerors Nanjing; Netherlands annexes Elten & Tudderen
1950 - 1st major league day game completed under lights (Phillies 6, Braves 5); Nationalist China evacuates Hainan Island
1952 - Oil pipeline from Kirkuk to Banias completed
1953 - General Charles P. Cabell, USAF, becomes deputy director of CIA
1954 - Hammerin' Hank Aaron hits 1st of his 755 homers; NBA adopts the 24-second shot clock rule
1956 - US Supreme court ends race segregation on buses
1958 - Gil Hodges hits his 300th homerun & Pee Wee Reese plays in 2,000th game
1959 - 1st heliport in Britain opens in London
1962 - New York Mets win their 1st game ever, after going 0-9, beat Pittsburgh Pirates 9-1; Ranger 4, 1st US satellite to reach Moon, launched from Cape Canaveral
1965 - Launch of 1st Soviet communications satellite
1967 - Soyuz 1 launched; Vladimir Komarov becomes 1st in-flight casualty when its parachute lines became tangled and the parachutes failed to open properly upon return to Earth
1968 - United Methodist Church forms; 1st decimal coins issued in Britain (5 & 10 pence)
1969 - Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death for killing Bobby Kennedy
1971 - Soyuz 10 launched; soft docked with Salyut 1
1972 - Apollo 16 astronauts explore Moon surface
1977 - Dr Allen Bussey completes 20,302 yo-yo loops; Military workers kill 300-500 students in Addis Ababa
1980 - Soviet sub catches fire off Japan, 9 die
1984 - AIDS virus identified (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
1985 - Coca-Cola announced it is changing its secret flavor formula
1987 - 28 construction workers killed in an apartment building collapse in Bridgeport, CT
1988 - Federal smoking ban during domestic airline flights of 2 hours or less
1989 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar plays his last game as a Los Angeles Laker; Students in Beijing China announce class boycotts
1991 - USSR grants republics right to secede under certain conditions
1992 - Marion Berry (former mayor of Washington, DC) is released from prison; McDonald's opens its 1st fast-food restaurant in China
1993 - Eritrea votes to secede from Ethiopia
1994 - Army shoots to death 23-40 fishermen in Gonaives, Haiti; Libertarian party nominates Howard Stern for Governor of New York
1995 - President Bill Clinton declares a national day of mourning for Oklahoma City bombing victims
Birthdays1464 - Johanna van Valois, Queen of France
1551 - Boris Godunov, Tsar of Muscovy (1598-1605) in Time of Troubles
1564 - William Shakespeare, bard (Hamlet, MacBeth, Julius Cæsar)
1598 - Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp, naval commander
1697 - George Baron Anson, British Admiral/explorer
1791 - James Buchanan, (Federalist/Democrat), 15th US President (1857-61)
1803 - Jules J. baron d'Anethan, Belgian minister of Justice
1804 - Guillaume Nerenburger, Belgian General (Triangulatie of Belgium)
1813 - Stephen Arnold Douglas [Little Giant], US Senator (Lincoln debates)
1818 - John Gill Shorter, Confederate Governor
1823 - Abdül-Medjid 31st sultan of Turkey (1839-61)
1828 - Albert, King of Saxon (1873-1902)
1861 - Edmund Henry Hynman 1st viscount Allenby of Megiddo/Fieldmarshal
1897 - Lester Bowles Pearson (L) 14th Canadian PM (1963-68) (Nobel 1957); Lucius du Bignon Clay, US General (WWII) / Governor (West Germany)
1899 - Vladimir Nabokov, Russian novelist (Lolita, Ada)
1908 - Herbert Telley British actuary
1909 - Thomas Padmore senior civil servant
1914 - Andrew Martin Lord-Lieutenant (Lechestershire England)
1917 - Jacob Kistemaker, nuclear physicist (ultra centrifuge)
1926 - Virgil I [Gus] Grissom, astronaut (Liberty Bell 7, Gemini 3)
1928 - Shirley Temple Black, child actress (Heidi)/ambassador (UN)
1930 - Michael Bowen, Roman Catholic Archbishop (Southwark)
1935 - David Evans MP
1938 - Steven D. Symms (Senator-R-ID)
1941 - Hal Daub (Representative-R-NE)
1953 - Fred Upton (Representative-R-MI)
1981 - Gabriella Windsor, daughter of English prince Michael
0034 - Christ crucified, according to Isaac Newton
0303 - George, knight of Cappadocië / saint / patron of England, beheaded
0871 - Ethelred I, King of Wessex / brother of Alfred the Great
0997 - Vojtech "Adalbert" of Prague, 2nd bishop of Prague/apostle, at 40
1014 - Brian Boru king of Ireland, in battle at 87; Sweyn Forkbeard, Viking King of England (1013-14)
1016 - Aethelbred II "the Unready," King of England (979-1016)
1616 - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Spanish writer (Don Quixote), at 69; William Shakespeare, English author (Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet), on his 52nd birthday
1625 - Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, at 57
1838 - John W. Janssens, Governor-General of Cape Colony/Dutch-Indies, at 75
1865 - James Dearing, Confederate Brigadier-General, at 24
1918 - Percy Thomson Dean, Lieutenant-commander, killed at Zeebrugge
1942 - Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear, President of Argentina (1922-28), at 73
1955 - Robert H. Woltjer, classical/AR-First-Member of parliament, at 76
1960 - Cornelis Jan Bakkerr, Dutch/US nuclear physicist
1971 - William Tubman, President of Liberia (1944-71), at 76
1985 - Sam J. Ervin, Jr (Senator-D-NC), at 88
1988 - Arthur Michael Lord Ramsey, archbishop of Canterbury
1995 - Howard Cosell, sportscaster (Monday Night Football), at 77; John Stennis (Senator-D-MS), at 93
Reported Missing in Action
Dyczkowski, Robert R.,
USAF (NY); F105D disappeared while on mission
Goss, Bernard Joseph,
USAF (NY); F105D shot down - remains returned August, 1978
1970Eads, Dennis K.,
US Army (IL); AH1G crashed (pilot, w/Murphy)
Gomez, Robert A.,
USAF (FL); F4D shot down (pilot, w/Lucki)
Lucki, Aubin E.,
USAF (UT); F4D shot down (bombardier / navigator, w/Gomez)
Little, Danny L.,
US Army SF (TX); KIA / BNR
Murphy, Larron D.,
US Army (GA); AH1G crashed (aircraft commander, w/Eads)
Labels: Headlines, History