Quote of the Day
The American's Creed adopted by the House of Representatives, April 3, 1918
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom; equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend if against all enemies.
-- William Tyler Page
Report Provides Hussein Regime Insights -
StoryDocument Outlines Vision to Counter WMD -
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Document (pdf) Pace Addresses Concerns in Turkey -
StoryTerror War Requires Partnership, PatiencePace Discusses Iraq, Iran, Kurdistan with Turkish TVU.S. Forces Focus on Transition in Iraq -
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VideoOfficials Provide Details of Recent Iraq Operations Official Cites Increasing Iraqi Security Role Iraqi Leaders' Perspective Shown in Report -
StoryON THE GROUNDJoint Use of Aircraft Provide Eyes in the Sky -
StoryMedical Clinic Opens Doors at Camp Striker -
StoryOperation Seeks to Disrupt Insurgent Activity -
StoryIN IRAQIraqis Benefit From Coalition Medical Training Iraqi Police, U.S. Soldiers Patrol Streets IN AFGHANISTANCitizen Tip Leads to IED in Afghan MosqueFACE OF DEFENSEAirman Overcomes Cancer, Helps Other Amputees -
StoryAMERICA SUPPORTS YOUSinger Aims to Tour All Bases -
StoryMiss America Tours PentagonTOP NEWS IRAQ
Two Soldiers Killed in Al AnbarOperation Frees Three HostagesSwarmer Ops Meets All ObjectivesForces Net Suspects, Weapons Iraq Reaches Historic Moment Tal Afar Liberation Shows Intentions Fact Sheet: Progress and Work Ahead Report: Strategy for Victory in Iraq Iraq Daily Update This Week in Iraq (pdf) Multinational Force Iraq State Dept. Weekly Iraq Report (pdf) 'Boots on the Ground' Audio Archive Iraq ReconstructionMaps AFGHANISTANGeneral Notes ProgressTroops Detain Suspects Afghanistan Update MapsWAR ON TERRORISMTerror: U.S. Must Go 'All the Way' Bush: Sept. 11 Lessons Still Relevant Ten Enemies Killed, One Detained Missile Defense Binds ElementsCommissions May Get New GuidanceTroop Support Promotes FreedomCheney Thanks Airmen for Support Fact Sheet: Budget Request Fact Sheet: War on Terror Fact Sheet: Terror Plots Disrupted Waging and Winning the War on Terror Terrorism Timeline Terrorism Knowledge Base MILITARY NEWS
Biohazard Report Released Joint Force Improves Response Bush Praises U.S. MilitaryPace Confers with Saudi LeadersMissile Technology Valid, Viable National Guard, Reserve UpdateCASUALTIESOfficials Identify Army Casualty -
StoryWeatherIraqAl Azamiyah Al Basrah Al Hillah Al Karkh Al KazimiyahAl Nasiriyah Baghdad Baqubah Mosul Najaf Nineveh Tall KayfAfghanistanBost/Laskar Ghurian Herat Kabul QandaharGitmoToday in History
1306 - Robert the Bruce is crowned King of Scotland
1584 - Sir Walter Raleigh renews Humphrey Gilbert's patent to explore North America
1774 - The English Parliament passes the Boston Port Bill
1776 - The Continental Congress authorizes a medal for General George Washington
1807 - The British Parliament abolishes slave trade
1813 - The 1st US flag is flown in battle on the Pacific, on the frigate Essex
1856 - A.E. Burnside patents the Burnside carbine
1863 - The 1st Army Medal of Honor is awarded
1863 - Skirmish at Brentwood, TN
1864 - Battle of Paducah, KY, otherwise known as Forrest's raid
1865 - Battle of Bluff Spring, FL
1865 - Battle of Fort Stedman, VA, in front of Petersburg
1865 - Battle of Mobile, AL
1865 - At Cape Hatteras, the SS General Lyon catches fire & sinks, killing 400
1900 - The US Socialist Party is formed in Indianapolis
1905 - Rebel battle flags, captured during the Civil War, are returned to South
1915 - In the 1st submarine disaster, a US F-4 sinks off Hawaii, killing 21
1915 - A German U-boat torpedoes the Netherlands merchant ship Medea
1942 - 700 Jews from the Polish Lvov-district reach the Belzec Concentration camp
1943 - 97% of all Dutch physicians strike againt Nazi registration
1944 - Nazis execute 335 residents of Rome
1944 - Sergeant Nickolas Alkemade (RAF) survives an 18,000-foot, parachute-less jump from his Lancaster
1945 - The US 1st army breaks out bridgehead near Remagen
- The US 4th Armored division arrives at Hanau & Aschaffenburg
- The US Northern Tractor Flotilla departs Ulithi for Okinawa
1949 - SS police chief Rauter's request for a pardon is denied
1955 - East Germany is granted full sovereignty by the USSR
1957 - The Treaty of Rome establishes the European Economic Community (Common Market)
1960 - The 1st guided missile is launched from a nuclear powered sub
1961 - Elvis Presley performs live on the USS Arizona
1965 - Martin Luther King, Jr., leads 25,000 to the state capitol in Montgomery, AL
1966 - The US Supreme court rules the "poll tax" unconstitutional
1985 - Edwin Meese III becomes the US Attorney General
1986 - Supreme Court rules that the Air Force can ban the wearing of yarmulkes
1987 - Supreme Court rules women and minorities may get jobs if less qualified
1988 - NASA launches the space vehicle S-206
1992 - The Russian manned space craft TM-14, lands
1996 - The US issues the newly-redesigned $100 bill
1133 - Henry II, King of England
1767 - Joachim Murat, Marshal of France/King of Naples
1818 - Isaac Ingalls Stevens, Major General (Union)
1823 - William Thompson Martin, Major General (CSA)
1873 - Rudolf Rocker, German/US anarchist
1893 - Edward Hart (Representative, NJ)/1st Chairman of the Committee on Un-American Activities
1906 - Howard Pyle (Governor, AZ)
1928 - James A. Lovell Jr., USN/astronaut (Gemini 7, 12, Apollo 8, 13)
1929 - Harris W. Fawell (Representative, IL)
1944 - Terry L. Bruce (Representative, IL)
1947 - Claudine Schneider (Representative, RI)
Passings1223 - Afonso II, 3rd King of Portugal (1211-23), dies at 36
1458 - Inigo López de Mendoza, Spanish marquis of Santillana/poet
1697 - Hendrik Casimir II, King of Nassau-Dietzstadhouder
1751 - Frederik of Hessen Kassel, King of Sweden (1720-51), dies at 74
1825 - Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck, Dutch patriot/earl, dies at 63
1914 - Frédéric Mistral, French poet (Nobel-1904)
1949 - Hanns A. Rauter, German SS-commandant in Netherlands, executed at 54
1965 - Viola Gregg Liuzzo, US civil rights activist, murdered
1973 - Edward Steichen, pioneer of American photography, dies at 92
1975 - King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, shot to death by his nephew
1979 - ... Sykes British ambassador in The Hague, murdered
1987 - Henry R. LaBouisse headed UNICEF (1965-79), dies at 83
1994 - David Miles Bensuan-Butt, Economist, dies at 79; Michel R. Vassallucci, French/Netherlands publisher (Arena), dies at 32
1995 - Warren E. Burger, chief justice of US (1969-86)
1996 - John Derrick Mordaunt Snagge, news commentator (BBC), dies at 91
1997 - Roberto Sanchez Vilella, Governor of Puerto Rico in (1965-69)
Reported Missing in Action1966Smith, Bradley E.,
USN (OH); A4C shot down, released February, 1973 - retired from the USNR as a Commander - alive and well as of 1998
Sherman, John B.,
USMC (CT); F8E crashed - remains returned, ID'd June, 1998
1967Hise, James H.,
USN (IA); F8E crashed at sea - Killed, body not recovered
1969The following US Army personnel repoted MIA after ground fighting:Herrera, Frederick D. (NM)
Hicks, Prentice W. (AL)
Roberts, Richard D. (MI)
1971The following US Army personnel reported MIA following an ambush:McDonnel, R.D., (TX); KIA by grenade, body not recovered
Puentes, Manuel R., (TX); KIA, body not recovered
Rossano, Richard J., (NY); KIA by grenade, body not recovered