Ah, the Moonbats. You can always count on them for sanity logic witty repartee entertainment.
First Mother Moonbat's hunger strike (wow...I think she made it past Saddam's record of one meal!), and now this:
Check out how they're responding to MoveAmericaForward's pro-troop ads (now to be airing in primetime)...Cher's recent contribution aside, they're once again doing their best to prove me right when I doubt that you can support the troops but be against the war...and when I say they conveniently ignore things like reality and facts... (my mini-rants added in blue below)******************************************************
* * * News Alert from
www.MoveAmericaForward.org ***
Anti-War Crowd Goes Crazy Over Pro-Troop Message
Liberal activists dishonor pro-military ad, calling it "propaganda" and "trash"
The pro-troop organization,
Move America Forward, unveiled a new television ad last week that thanks American troops for "a job well done" in the war on terrorism. The ad, entitled "America Thanks You" is currently airing nationwide on cable news channels (watch for it Thursday, June 29th between 5:00 - 7:00 PM Eastern on the Fox News Channel network during "The Big Story" and "Special Report with Brit Hume"). The commercial message has so far been seen by over 2 million American households.
The ad has created an uproar in the anti-war community, which is furious about the decision by networks to allow the ad to be aired. In phone calls, emails and posting on Internet websites the anti-war crowd has called the ad "propaganda" and say it shouldn't be shown on American TV airwaves. Some posters have gone to the extremes, calling for the execution of President George Bush.
You can
watch the ad for yourself and try and understand what exactly it is that has anti-war activsits so upset. Read a small sampling of the comments taken from the website where the ad is hosted online, to read the hateful comments from anti-war advocates. You can also post a comment to refute the attacks by liberal anti-war activists - just type your comment in at the bottom of
this page.
"it just makes me laugh for some reason..what trash"
(I pretty much feel the same way about Moonbat commentary)"propagandist rubbish"
"how about haditha massacre and abu ghuraib prison...can someone explain that???"
(Sure - Haditha has yet to be fully investigated, and you can't spell Abu Ghraib)"Narrator: Osama Bin Laden... err...ummm... still at large? Yeah. 5 years and counting."
(Yeah....completely unbelievable we can't find him - 'cause he's got one of those big neon diner arrows over whatever hole he's hiding in, right?)"We'll see what happens come November when a liberal House and Senate are restored."
(Perish the thought)
"Um. Yeah. American Death Toll = several thousand Iraqi Civilian Death = Tens of thousands WMD's found thus far = ZERO"
(Um.....zero? What rock have you been living under the last couple of weeks?)"i will rejoice when the real terrorist is dead. Step forward Mr Bush."
(Poor misguided Moonbat - all of us non-Moonbats did get a chance to rejoice - remember Zarqawi?)"Nice way to mix Afghanistan into the Iraq war. Even though Al Queda hated Sadam Hussein, the redneck right wingers so want associate the two."
(See 'rock' question...and Al Queda? Sadam? Yeesh. They must have put "nonsensical rambling" ahead of "spelling" in Moonbat school)
"Is this some kind of sarcastic joke? Sorry, I didn't really get it."
(Moonbats generally don't get it)"I like how all the Americans think their country is invincible, its quite funny. Who cares if you have more nukes than any other country, all it takes is 1."
(Technically speaking, no, not really. It takes more than one to annihilate a country. And not invincible....nigh invincible. Of course, that could change if the Moonbats take over)"Nice to see this feel good propaganda to whitewash an action that has a country on the brink of a civil war."
"Outrageous propaganda."
(There's the Moonbats for you - thanking the troops is 'outrageous.')"That's extremely persuasive if you're ignorant and simple minded."
(So you're stupid if you want to thank the troops. Aren't Moonbats great?)"...They are also building roads, killing innocent people..."
(Don't they EVER get tired of this refrain? It's like 'The Song that Never Ends...')
"Its nice that they are rebuilding roads and hospitals. Someone remind me, who was it who blew them up in the first place? "
(Great gravy....actually, Iraq's infrastructure was in far worse shape than anyone anticipated - without being blown up. Saddam, apparently, put things like functional water and electrical systems behind building a 39th palace for himself.)
"George Bush is responsible for more deaths than everyone in al Qaeda combined."
(sorry, busy banging head on wall)"Propaganda crap!"
(bang-bang-bang)"this is such bullsh*t. check the books, iraq has gone downhill since we invaded. this ad can truthfully claim that american soldiers are helping in the effort to rebuild but it fails to mention that there has been no forward progress in iraq."
(sorry - can't stop chortling. And by the way, Moonbat, I believe the politically correct term these days is mentally challenged, or mentally disabled. Be careful, there, or you're going to lose your membership in the idiocy of the month club. And stop shouting.)"Its true that Iraq has gone down hill since we invaded. If you actually wish to recall the year before we invaded Iraq you would remember that Saddam LET UN inspectors into his country to search for WMDs (which we never found), and also agreed to allow the UN to govern Iraqi elections. We were the ones that kicked the UN inspectors out."
(downhill from what? Voting between "Saddam forever" and "You die"? Actually, knucklehead, Saddam would refuse for a while, then let them in, then kick them out, then let them in....and we didn't kick them out, per se...I believe we told them they'd probably better leave...or duck)"Plus, the war that we are currently waging in Iraq is ILLEGAL according to international law, because we went to war unilaterally and without UN jurisdiction. If the USA ever loses it's world super power status it's possible that all people participating in this war will be judged as war criminals. And again, to link Saddam Hussein together with Al Qaeda is ludicrous. President Bush, himself, said there was no connection between the two."
(And what, oh fair moonbat, made you believe we need the UN's permission to do anything? To be truthful - though it may cause great pain to moonbats - Bush said there was no proof of a direct link to 9/11, NOT an absence of proof of any link to Al Qaeda....and stop that talk about the US losing superpower status - you're getting Moonbat drool all over everything, and I'm fairly sure that Moonbats carry some sort of Rabies)**************************************************
Ah....Moonbats.... I think the auto-rantic Moonbat on the left sidebar makes more sense than most of these folks. Scary, eh?