According to this article in the Washington Times, the show led Green Party Chairman Reinhard Buetikofer to push for an investigation.
"I think absolutely nothing of the conspiracy theory that has been hawked in this series. I hope this particular TV movie will be discussed very critically at the next supervisory board meeting of ARD [state television]…"
Thank goodness someone said it. I actually think a couple of things about that theory, but I’m entirely sure they’re not fit for posting.
For a little background on this lovely show...
"According to the plot, which was seen by approximately 7 million Germans, the dead man had been trained to be one of the September 11 pilots but was left behind, only to be tracked down and killed by CIA or FBI assassins. (Didn't even know the FBI had assassins. See? You learn something new every day)
The woman, who says in the program that the September 11 attacks were instigated by the Bush family for oil and power, then is targeted, presumably to silence her. The drama concludes with the German detectives accepting the truth of her story as she eludes the U.S. government hit men and escapes to safety in an unnamed Arab country." ('cause most of those are really safe places for unescorted women)
So why was this actually watched?
"As ludicrous as it may sound to most Americans, the tale has resonance in Germany, where fantastic conspiracy theories often are taken as fact."
In other Moonbat fare, according to UPI, 1st G.W. Bush Administration chief Department of Labor economist Morgan Reynolds is now saying that he believes the World Trade Center collapse was a controlled demolition, not a result of the terrorist attack. A theory that’s been floating around in the lunatic fringe for a while, now we actually have someone you wouldn’t peg as a moonbat saying it. A 'sleeper' Moonbat, if you will.
Morgan says, "If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an 'inside job' and a government attack on America would be compelling."
Yes, and if giant mosquitos from the planet Moonbat flew into the building instead of two civilian airliners, the case for attacking planet Moonbat would be compelling, too. This network, by the way, is funded by a monthly tax.
I wonder if I have enough Excedrin for all this.
These are also the same variety of Moonbat who claim that there was no plane at the Pentagon that day (more exploding mosquitos, or an explosion set off in the basement just so we could get the oil that we haven't gotten, and keep the gas prices down, even though they're not?). This claim despite the airplane engine on the front lawn, witnesses like this, and 184 deceased victims of the attack - I guess they never existed, either.