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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No, They're Not Anti-Troop....

Gotta love it. Everytime I put up a post about how the antiwar crowd is almost universally anti-troop, some knucklehead comes by and puffs about how I'm doing a disservice to them, how they really do care about the troops, they just don't want to see them "die for oil" or some other cliche antiwar line.

And it never fails - wait a little while, and they always prove me right.

Sadly, but predictably, they've done it again, at Milwaukee's Army Recruiting Center:

All the windows of the station were busted out, and graffiti that read “War is Offensive” was scrawled on the side of the building. A witness told WTMJ that he saw anti-war slogans written on the windows before they were broken.
Still, I can't help but chuckle. "War is offensive" is the best thing you could come up with? And you write your slogans on the windows - and then break them. Brilliant.

These particular non-violent, peace-loving, 'why can't we all just get along' types have been to this Recruiting Station before - throwing smoke bombs and paint. How peaceful. One of their sentimental, happy, peace-love-joy messages this time? "Expect Resistance."

Some days, I really wish these losers could be on the receiving end when our troops show them what the word "offensive" means in military circles.

Nah, they're not anti-troop. Of course not.

I may be a "Macchiavellian Warmonger" (and proud of it, thank you very much), but at least I don't hide what I believe. I am pro-military, pro-America, pro-kicking-enemy-tail, and decidedly anti-hippie-coward.

As far as that "Expect Resistance" thing goes? Right back at you, peacenik - never again will you derail the public opinion. Recycle all the 40-year-old crap you want, but when you meet those of us who understand what we owe our Heroes, Expect Resistance.

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