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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gathering of Eagles Threatened by IVAW

For Immediate Release
Contact: Col. Harry Riley, USA (Ret.)
Eagles Up, Inc.
850-689-1818 – Home
850-582-7334 – Cell

Iraq “Veterans” Threaten Bombings, Homosexual Rape Against Pro-Troop Opponents at “Winter Soldier II”

Washington, D.C., March 11, 2008 – Members of the anti-troop organization Iraq Veterans Against the War, who Friday are restaging Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry’s infamous Winter Soldier Investigation of the Vietnam era, have threatened physical harm including bombings and homosexual rape against any veterans or troop supporters who oppose them.

Columnist and commentator Michelle Malkin, who was threatened by an IVAW member on his blog titled Wobbly Nomad, has released commentary on her website in which the same IVAW member calls for bombing pro-troop organizations that are planning a vigil to counter the IVAW event on Friday in Silver Springs Maryland.

The threats include statements that while he won’t attack pro-troop organizations at the Silver Springs vigil, apparently due to anticipated heavy security, the IVAW member identified in media outlets as an IVAW member will “dry hump” any pro-troop individuals he encounters elsewhere afterward. The threats, posted at the website state in part:

“I don’t know what f---ing idiot lobbied for these s------d right-wingers to be allowed at Winter Soldier but I fear for their safety on the campus. I’ve decided I’m probably going to waste most of them on sight – dry-hump them all if I see them in DC away from Winter Soldier. …. Dry-humped. ... See if a judge gives a s--t when I punch holes in the backs of their heads by going through the fronts of them dry-hump them ….

A leader of a national coalition of pro-troop and veteran organizations that is gathering in the Washington area Friday and Saturday to oppose the planned reenactment, Tuesday expressed outrage at the attempts to intimidate pro-troop organizations.

Col. Harry Riley, a decorated Vietnam Veteran and leader of Eagles Up, which will be standing vigil outside the IVAW event Friday, said in response, “For decades America has listened, watched, and disagreed with counter-parts of IVAW passively, without confrontation or violence.

“Now that America is standing up for our nation and troops, exercising free speech, an IVAW member is threatening violence, including homosexual rape against anyone who protests against winter soldier activity ... Does IVAW condone this criminal rage?”

Col. Riley noted that Sen. John Kerry’s infamous “Winter Soldier” anti-Vietnam War event is the predecessor of the IVAW exercise which will feature “testimony” alleging atrocities committed by American troops this time in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Eagles Up and other organizations are taking aim at Winter Soldier II, noting that most of the “veterans” who “testified” in Kerry’s event a generation ago were later found to be frauds, and their testimony was either disproved or impossible to verify, yet the damage to the Vietnam generation was long enduring.

Military oriented websites are carrying the IVAW blogger’s statements on their discussion forums, and additional comments attributed to the blogger include threats to bomb the pro-troop events and this statement “We will fix the broken world? Save it from all the chickenhawk armchair warrior gathering of idiots. But I still want to blow up their f-----g gathering.

The comments also include a threat of gun violence: “And don’t be afraid. I am not in the database as PTSD-suffering, so I can still buy all manners of handguns. Not to mention the vast arsenal I brought back from Iraq!”

Hosted by Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), others backing the Winter Soldier reenactment include the ANSWER coalition, CODE PINK, and MOVEON.ORG. But pro-troop organizers including Col. Riley say this generation’s allegations of rampant atrocities committed by American troops will not go unchallenged.

“In 1971 the media accepted the stories of atrocities literally without question, and Kerry even testified before Congress using graphic images of torture and murder, which he claimed were widespread and American military policy.” Col. Riley noted.

“But Vietnam and Iraq war veterans and their supporters are demanding that all who participate in the IVAW event submit to identification verification and that their claims are specific including times, dates, places, units involved, leadership and witnesses.

“In addition, anyone claiming to have participated in or witnessed an atrocity without attempting to halt it or report it will be referred to the appropriate civilian and military authorities as participants in or accessories to war crimes.”

Col. Riley said “We have two objectives: To counter and challenge IVAW Winter Soldier II (WSII) Testimony on March 14 by demanding ‘truth.’

“Our second objective is to participate in a peaceful march in Washington, DC on March 15th assembling in the vicinity of the Washington Monument that reflects a view of appreciation, uplifting, pride in America, our troops and families. This will be a positive event with flags, banners, patriotic music, fellowship, and oriented for the entire family of patriots.

“Americans are standing up to attacks on our nation and people from those that tend to support the constant drum beat of surrender," Col. Riley said. “Citizens that demean, denigrate and dishonor our warriors forget these same warriors sacrifices give the anti-everything crowd the freedom to speak their vile, distorted messages.

“Thousands will put ‘boots on the ground’ in Washington, DC on March 14/15 to challenge one devious aspect of the threat on America – those that would have us surrender to the Islamic butchers and dishonor our warriors,” Col Riley added.

“It's a sacrifice for many of us to get to DC but it's also a sacrifice for our families and warriors to offer up their lives. The least we can do is protect their backs.”

