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Monday, March 23, 2009

Look, Ma - I'm in the Militia

Vote for a third party candidate this past election? Ever criticize the IRS? Have a problem with the way the government does things? You're not just exercising your Constitutional rights - you could be a domestic terrorist:

If you're an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate or a certain Republican member of Congress, if you possess subversive literature, you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group.

That's according to "The Modern Militia Movement," a report by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), a government collective that identifies the warning signs of potential domestic terrorists for law enforcement communities.

According to the report, here are some of the scarier things they say to look for:

- strong Christian identity
- being opposed to illegal immigration
- displaying the "Don't Tread on Me" flag
- criticism of the IRS

Think I'm kidding? I wish.

More here.

If you haven't figured it out yet, we are headed into some very scary waters. Follow where this report eventually leads, and it ain't pretty. But then again, that's just the sort of thing you'd expect a potential right-wing wacko militia member to say, isn't it?

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