McCain Picks WomanGov of Alaska for VP
BIO: Sarah Palin Seen as GOP Rising Star
WATCH LIVE: McCain to Reveal VP Pick in Dayton, Ohio:
RAW DATA: Sarah Palin a GOP Rising Star
FOX NEWS RADIO: McCain Palin Announcement
Obama: 8 Years of GOP Is Enough - VIDEO - PHOTOS
Oh, and there's already been an oh-so-accepting, tolerant, and socially conscious commentary from the liberal side of the aisle - Governor Palin has a special needs child, and one Lefty pundit has already asked how she'll find the time to be VP and take adequate care of him.
Imagine if that comment had been from the Right, to a Dem VP candidate...
And it wouldn't have happened at all if she were male.
Yeah, the Dems are the party of civil rights. Maybe they ought to read up on antidiscrimination law just a wee bit.
Labels: John McCain, politics, Sarah Palin