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Friday, March 07, 2008

Nope, No Threat From Terrorists...

The anti-war, anti-reality crowd would have you believe there's no threat from terrorism. Apparently, 9/11 was a fluke. Or, if you really hang around in the paint fumes for a while, it was a controlled demolition. Either way, the terrorist threat doesn't exist.

Clearly, then, these plots weren't foiled:

  • December 2001, Richard Reid: British citizen attempted to ignite shoe bomb on flight from Paris to Miami.
  • May 2002, Jose Padilla: American citizen accused of seeking "dirty bomb," convicted of conspiracy.
  • September 2002, Lackawanna Six: American citizens of Yemeni origin convicted of supporting Al Qaeda. Five of six were from Lackawanna, N.Y.
  • May 2003, Iyman Faris: American citizen charged with trying to topple the Brooklyn Bridge.
And neither were the rest.

Good thing, too - because if all of these threats were stopped in six years, the possibility of having a Democrat in the White House would be really scary.

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