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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Finally - A Global Warming Solution I Can Support!!

Kyoto's a complete travesty - basically robbery couched as environmentalism. Other methods are similarly flawed. But finally, we have a solution that I can get behind. Bet you didn't know that the U.S. military has been working to solve Global Warming - and other environmental issues - for several years now...

This past Earth Day, an advocacy group was very vocal about what they considered to be "the paramount environmental issue" - human population growth. And then there's the guy who says that humanity is a virus. Population control as a method of "saving" the Earth has been bandied about for quite a while.

Think about it - Chinese cooking fires are a major source of greenhouse gasses, and we all know how Americans are destroying the planet simply by driving SUVs. I mean, even Al Gore takes it seriously - he's put in a few of those energy-efficient light bulbs, for crying out loud! Sure, the President's got a house that heats itself geothermically, but Gore's changed his lightbulbs. If that doesn't tell you how serious this is....

And yet, in all of this global warming hullaballoo, all the flailing about for a solution, we have failed to acknowledge the significant effort our military has been putting forth...

I mean, how many terrorists and insurgents have we offed in Iraq? How many terrorists in Afghanistan?

Not only is the GWOT (or whatever political correctness will have it called) good for a free society - it's sound environmentalism!!

I am working on the t-shirts now....

Your U.S. military: Saving the planet, one dead terrorist at a time.

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