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Wednesday, April 04, 2007


"I announce that the great people of Iran and the Islamic Republic, even having legal rights to try these military people, in honor of the prophet's birthday, will be freed as a gift to the people of the United Kingdom." -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Brits to Go Free

Ahmadinejad 'pardons' 15 seized British troops - VIDEO

Don't get me wrong - I'm glad to see these Heroes released (but I won't really believe it until I hear that they're actually on British soil)...

...But OF COURSE he is releasing them - because the world gave him exactly what he wanted - center stage, and the ability to show the lunatic extremists how to intimidate a powerful Western nation.

Look at the display today - roses, shaking're talking about a nation who deals with people who speak out by filleting their tongues out of their mouths...or worse. A nation from which came a fatwah approving the use of nuclear weapons against his enemy. Think of the reaction if the Pope gave a blessing to those who nuked Muslims!! This was all a deranged, doomsday-loving megalomaniac's stunt...put on for a world that allowed him to do it.

If Britain hadn't entertained negotiations, if the world had condemned their actions as an act of war, if everyone had refused to entertain their ludicrous allegations of the Brits having crossed into Iranian waters, do you think these Heroes would be free? Although I am thrilled for these Heroes and their families, I fear that the success of this particular nation taking hostages to prove a point may have grave implications for the future.

UPDATE: Be sure to check out Mr. Bob's take on this - he's got a couple of questions about British Code of Conduct training...over at The Daily Blogster

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