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Monday, April 02, 2007

Be A Part of a Very Special Tribute to Fallen Heroes

Several weeks ago, I told you I was involved in a very special project to honor fallen heroes. It's finally time to unveil the details, and to tell you your help is needed to make this project happen.

One of my current adoptees with Soldiers' Angels is one with whom I share a common hobby - motorcycling. Sketch is a Harley guy - I've got a Kawasaki. In talking about our love of motorcycles, we also came to discuss a dream Sketch had - building a custom bike. He told me he wanted to use the bike in some way to pay tribute to fallen make sure that the sacrifices of those who have fallen are not forgotten.

We rolled it around for a while, and with the help of Soldiers' Angels, the Fallen Soldiers' Bike is now a dream that has a chance to become reality.

We're starting with a Flyin' Hawaiian chopper by Denvers' Choppers, and customizing it with graphics and other items to make it a unique rolling tribute to those who have given their all. Sketch will be displaying the bike at as many motorcycle shows as he can get to. Though he's deployed now, and working long hours, Sketch is still spending as much free time as he's able to planning the bike. I'm helping to coordinate some things from here.

And the project has the support of one very special lady - Gunnar's Mom, Debey. It was right around the anniversary of Gunnar's death that Sketch and I first started getting the project blog up and running. I sent a link to Debey, who also happens to live not that far away from a motorcycle mecca - Sturgis. Debey loved the idea right away, and has also contributed to the bike's construction.

It's a costly project. The total estimated cost is somewhere around $45,000, give or take. Some of that depends on what custom elements are included, and how complicated the graphics get. We do know one graphic that will be there:

The Soldiers' Angels logo.

Sketch is an artist, and is working on other graphics for the bike - if you've got some ideas, please feel free to send them to me, and I'll forward them.

You can find the project blog at Visit, and you'll see a little more about what the bike means to Sketch, and to me. We'll be posting updates and pictures as the build progresses.

We can use all the help we can get to move this project along. There's the possibility of some media coverage once construction is in motion, but we need the funds to make it happen. If you would like to help be a part of this project, Sketch is going to maintain a list of donors which will be on display with the bike. Please consider donating in memory of a fallen Hero you know, or just in honor of all of those who have fallen in defense of our country. You can donate through PayPal at the project blog, or make checks payable to Soldiers' Angels, and send to:

Soldiers' Angels - Fallen Soldiers' Bike
1792 E. Washington Blvd
Pasadena, Ca 91104

Make sure to note "Fallen Soldiers' Bike" in the memo section of your check.

Donations to Soldiers' Angels are tax deductible.

Bloggers - please help to get the word out - link, trackback, or swipe this post!

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