Pictured above is where Saddam fired his rifle from, a concrete- and - broken glass shell now. I take crappy photos, but no photographers (except Eric Bowers) would leave the media building to tour Iraq. They were all typing stories from their terminals inside. 'Stories', indeed.
I tried making chicken sounds to them, but it didn't take.
OK, I made that one up, but you get the picture, even if they wouldn't. Baghdad, like any large city, is largely quiet except where terrorist (gang) activity takes place. If you toured Watts in LA, only, well yes, there's violence. But 99.8% of the city is just fine. Then again, there aren't large amounts of US heavily armed soldiers touring through it, so...
Chris' very healthy sense of humor is on display throughout, and it's a great look at Iraq from an outsider's perspective.
Make sure you go and read the whole post.
Welcome Back, Chris!
H/T to the Brat via Blackfive
Labels: Chris Muir, Day-by-Day, Iraq, media coverage