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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Three News Stories that Ticked Me Off Today...

1. Poll: Americans Don't Know Iraqi Death Toll
Why it Ticks Me Off:
Most Americans don't know any of the successes in Iraq, either, thanks to the MSM. I'd bet more of them know the Iraqi death toll than know how well our troops are doing their jobs. Then again, most Americans can't find Italy - or their own state - on a map! Another little factoid - frequently, those who bemoan the Iraqi deathtoll make no distinction between civilians killed by U.S. operations, and those killed by terrorist thugs, leading to the impression that the U.S. is solely responsible for the loss of life. And no one remembers that had Saddam done what he was supposed to under U.N. direction, we'd never have been there in the first place.)

2. Fourteen police killed in militant attack in India
Why It Ticks Me Off:
Interesting that they say that the problems here are ethnic / tribal. In reality, it's less to do with that, and a lot more to do with Socialism / Communism. Read this version of the story for a little more info, and then go here.

3. Panel to probe conditions at Walter Reed
Why It Ticks Me Off:
We don't need a flippin' probe. Assign someone to direct it, give them resources, and hand them a checkbook. FIX IT. NOW. Probe later, to ensure it never happens again.