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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

2006 Milbloggie Winners Announced!


Congratulations to the 2006 Milbloggie Winners!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 07:47 PM
Remember, the Milbloggies are NOT a popularity contest. The purpose each year is to recognize military bloggers for their contribution to blogging, news and information, and to the military over the past year. Make sure to check out each winning milblog below, and you’ll see why they won this year’s Milbloggie Award.

Now, I’d normally write up an eloquent piece about the Milbloggies and each of the winners (which I will get around to), but I’ve been online all day monitoring the website and at this point, I’m not really making sense. Earlier this evening I took a quick break to rock my 10-month old son to sleep, and it turns out I was holding a Mr. Potato Head. Congratulations again to all the 2006 nominees and winners! I will post the final standings as of 8 PM shortly. I did take a snapshot of each Branch chart exactly at 8 PM EST with the current count of votes. You would think it would be as easy as turning off the Voting feature, but apparently I can't. Damn you website problems. Damn you straight to he$$.

And now, without further ado, the 2006 Milbloggie Winners:
U.S. Army
Acute Politics

U.S. Air Force
Afghanistan Without a Clue

U.S. Navy
Doc in the Box

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Military (Veteran)
Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love

U.S. Civilian
Soldiers' Angels Germany

U.S. Military (Spouse)

U.S. Military (Parent)
Some Soldier's Mom

U.S. Military (Supporter)
Fuzzilicious Thinking

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who nominated and/or voted for this blog.

