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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What It's All About

Of the Gettysburg Address, Edward Everett, who'd preceeded President Lincoln speaking that day, wrote "I should be glad if I could flatter myself that I came as close to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as you did in two minutes."

Well, this month marks my 2 year blogiversary here at IWT, and can truly say, I should be glad if I could flatter myself that I came as close to the central idea of this blog in two years of posting, as Amy did in the piece below (sent by her father):

In Memory of PFC Ryan Hill

On Friday Jan 19th, my husband, Ryan, and I lost a great friend in Iraq. He was nearly 21. He was killed by an improvised explosive device.

Ryan Hill had asked to drive the lead truck out on patrol, preferring he take the risk of the most dangerous position rather than his buddies, or his commander who was riding shotgun and is imminently expecting the birth of his first child.

His mother Shawna is one of my favorite people and an inspiration unmatched by any other. At her request to hold Ryan's company up in prayer, I wrote them the following note.

I thought I'd share this with you all, and if you know a soldier, please send the note to them for me, because it's for them too.

There is a caterpillar in my refrigerator. It's hibernating there at the request of my 3 1/2 year old son.

I made Brownies, and he took his hot wheels jeep "muddin" through the batter when I wasn't looking. He recently "cleaned" himself with the last vestiges of the perfume I wore on my wedding day, and he has secretly been using the catbox instead of the potty.

His favorite toy is a 99 cent catnip mouse he calls Scabbers, and he thinks his 10 month old sister's pigtails make her look like Shrek.

He perpetually asks for chocolate milk, to have pancakes for dinner, and if he can go to disneyland for just a minute.

He's ruined my best lipsticks and he cut his lip with my razor trying to shave like Dad.

I misplaced $150 only to find the cash stuffed into his piggy bank.

Thank you.

Thank you that the battles I face are with a 3 year old.

Thank you that the only Explosions I live through happen in my daughters diaper, and that the only land mines I worry about are the ones the dog leaves too close to the slide.

Thank you for my petty problems and my trivial troubles.

Thank you that Bambi's mother is as much of death as my children have seen.

Thank you for keeping the war out of my backyard so the neighborhood kids can play there instead.

And thank you for all you do to help restore peace to the mothers and joy to the children in Iraq who have bigger concerns in their world than the poop that concerns mine.

Thank you that one of the sweetest, bravest, and most brilliant boys in all the world, and his beautiful sister, princess Shrek, are growing up in the peace you are paying for, back home in Portland Oregon, USA.

My Husband will be a Pall bearer for Ryan Hill at his memorial service.

I saw Ryan off at the Airport when he left home, and I'll see him at the airport when he comes home. And I'll thank him, as I do you, for picking up the tab for my freedom, I hadn't realized I had run up such an expensive bill.

We Love you all. God bless you all. We're praying for you all.

Amy B.


Amy wrote this letter and sent it out to the people she knew.
I'm her very proud father. And I'm honored to send it on to you.
Thank you for your selfless service to America.

William M. (Amy's father)


William says that Amy is 'truly world class.' I agree. Amy, thank you for saying it so clearly, and for supporting our Heroes.