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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Hero...

Vickie sends this picture of her Hero - her son, Jacob:

Once I cuddled you,watched you at rest
Now you're one of our nation`s best
You're a United States Soldier

I dried your tears and bandaged your knee
When you wanted comfort, you came to me
Now you're defending the Land of the Free
You're A United States Soldier

Once I told you never to fight
Unless you were standing for what is right
Now you help make up America`s might
You're A United States Soldier

The day you left, I thought I would die
I hated for you to see me cry
How could my boy, My sweet little guy
Become A United States Soldier?

Graduation day was emotional and fun
Two hundred new soldiers, each an Army of one
You said "I made it Mom!" ...I said "Hooah, son!
You're A United States Soldier!"

You're still my baby; it will always be so
Whatever you do and wherever you go
But you're also a man, one I`m proud to know
You're A United States Soldier

Vickie, thanks for letting me post this , and for the wonderful poem.

Jacob, we're proud of you too - thank you. Keep Your Helmet On - Take Care, and Stay Safe.
