Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Pays Tribute to Servicemembers
Photo by Annette Crawford
December 28, 2006
Linda Dennis of America Supports You member Connect and Join shows one of several scrapbooks she has compiled from contributions from children nationwide. Connect and Join is a secure online communications and activities site that connects families around the world who are separated by deployment and serve in the military, or have family members living away from home due to job-related responsibilities. Dennis presented the scrapbooks to Air Force Maj. Gen. Allen R. Dehnert, assistant adjutant general and commander, Texas Air National Guard, at the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl in Fort Worth, Texas, Dec. 23. The Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl is an event in partnership with America Supports You, a Defense Department program that showcases and facilitates American support for members of the armed forces.
Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Pays Tribute to Servicemembers