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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Moonbat Watch - Where are the Antacids?

Dennis Kucinich, appearing a little while ago on Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto, advocated an immediate cut-off of funding for the “immoral” war in Iraq, saying that we “have enough money to bring the troops home.” When asked if this constituted a ‘cut and run’ philosophy, he said, “Well, we can either cut and run, or stay and pay.” Cute.

Apparently, he prefers cowardice to commitment.

And Nancy Pelosi today called the vote for Democratic Congressional Majority Leader a referendum on Iraq. She said that Iraq was the only issue that mattered in that vote. How scary is it that in her mind, the stewardship of half of the House is solely based on whether a person conforms to an anti-war agenda? Too bad Murtha lost that one, eh? Oh, and Pelosi further called the war “a grotesque mistake,” and stated she’d do everything within her power to end it.

Well, if they wanted similarities to Vietnam, they’ve now got at least two – the radicalizing of the Left, and the demonizing of current military action.

Follow that road map, and you have peace at any cost, and the reprehensible treatment of our returning Heroes. If you support our troops, you want to pay very, very close attention to what the Left is doing these days. And don’t stay silent – do all you can to support our Heroes.

Now would be a real good time to visit Soldiers’ Angels.

And to stock up on TUMS.