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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Moonbat Watch - John Kerry Finally Says What He Means...

John Kerry has finally clearly said what he thinks about our military:

"Education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Misstatement? Well, maybe he didn't really mean that. Surely, when offered a chance to apologize (as the President clearly said he should), he'd take it, right? After all, anti-war doesn't mean anti-troop...

"I make apologies to no one about my criticism of the President and his broken policy that kills and maims our heroes in Iraq every single day. This pathetic attempt to distort a botched joke about President Bush is a shameful effort to distract from a botched war."

OK, so now it's a 'joke' to call our military stupid.

He further said that if anyone owes our troops an apology, it's Bush, not him.


What do you think would happen if a Republican called our military stupid?

True - John Kerry isn't running for re-election this go-round (which is quickly becoming the Democrat response). So why is this so important? Well, for starters, no one in public office should ever say such a thing without being held saccountable. We should remember this when he IS up for re-election. And make no mistake about it - the hatred, the disdain for our troops is pervasive in Kerry's party. Just look at those they hold up as poster children - Kerry, Murtha, Pelosi...

On a message board I perused, those on the Left were rejoicing at the Senator's comments, and calling the demands for an apology a "worn out Republican tactic." An apology is not what our heroes deserve after such a statement - what Kerry said is OK, and demands for an apology are simply a political tactic. This is what the anti-war crowd believes.

Oh, and Kerry further stated that it was simply impossible to believe that he, a vet, would criticize those serving in Iraq. Basically, "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain..." No, Senator, we'd never believe that you'd criticize the troops. Certainly, you wouldn't accuse them of atrocities in Vietnam or Iraq...right? Oh, wait, that's exactly what you did.

It is simply not acceptable, and we are the one that can let Washington know that.

This is the same anti-war philosophy that starts out saying, "We're the ones who suport the troops - see, we want to bring them home..." and then calls them baby-killers, or a la John Kerry, accuses them of terrorizing women and children in the dead of night, or worse, and calls them idiots.

At least he finallly said what he - and many on the Left - really think. I'm not saying no Democrts suport our troops - 'cause that's not true. But those that think like Kerry does are driving the Democrat train, and the thought of those people in control of Congress should sicken those who support our military.