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Thursday, November 09, 2006

How Will You Honor Vets on Their Day?

Veteran's Day is more than parades, more than a day off of work (if you get one - I don't).

It's a chance to say thank you to those who give so much to - and for - all of us.

Why not do something to say thanks - something to give back.

With time running out for the Valour-IT blog competition fundraiser, we're still well short of our goal (The Navy Team is closing on theirs!). But that doesn't mean it's out of reach.

And what better way to thank our vets than to help those we need, and who need us right now.

Please consider a donation to Project Valour-IT - whatever you can give, as a way to honor those who would sacrifice all for our freedoms.

Information about Project Valour-IT:
Soldiers' Angels Project Valour-IT
Valour-IT Blog

Team Standings:

Team Leaders:
Army - Blackfive
Navy - Chaotic Synaptic Activity
Air Force - Op-For
Marines - Villainous Company