Valour-IT Fundraising Competition 2006
What: a friendly competition to raise money for Valour-IT.
When: October 30 to November 10.
Where: starting on blogs and spreading everywhere.
Where does the "friendly competition" part come in? We've divided the milbloggers into four teams, according to military service branch to see who can inspire donors to raise the most money. Anybody can join any team, and all the money goes to the same place--wounded servicemembers of any military branch.
Team leaders are:
Army: Blackfive
Navy: Chaotic Synaptic Activity
Marine Corps: Villainous Company
Air Force: Op-For
If you're a donor, click on a link above and donate to Valour-IT. If you're a blogger, you can sign up and join a team here, then go visit your team leader for more info.