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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bet You Haven't Seen THIS Poll...

From "The Other Iraq":

The following poll was conducted by and their Program on International Policy Attitudes. The poll was fielded by KA Research Limited/D3 Systems and was conducted among 1,150 Iraqis. The views of Iraqi Kurds in particular are highlighted below

Thinking about any hardships you might have suffered since the US-Britain invasion, do you personally think that ousting Saddam Hussein was worth it or not?

Iraqi Kurds: 91% said it was WORTH IT.

Do you think that Iraq today is generally headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?

Iraqi Kurds: 76% said RIGHT DIRECTION.

Do you think that the government to be established by the newly-elected parliament will or will not be the legitimate representative of the Iraqi people?

Iraqi Kurds: 81% said WILL BE.

Despite a "negative" bias in some of the questions, Iraqi Kurds remained optimistic and resolute in supporting a better future for their country and their people and resisted attempts to "bash" the United States.

It is offensive to me to have foreign forces in my country?

Iraqi Kurds: 0% said it was offensive.

Do you approve of the U.S. being involved in Iraq - assisting with the economic development of Iraq?

Iraqi Kurds: 87% APPROVE of U.S. involvement.

Do you approve of the U.S. being involved in Iraq - assisting with the development of Iraq's oil industry?

Iraqi Kurds: 87% APPROVE of U.S. involvement.

Do you approve of the U.S. being involved in Iraq - training Iraqi security forces?

Iraqi Kurds: 96% APPROVE of U.S. involvement

For more news about "The Other Iraq," visit