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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Terrible Treatment at Gitmo

The stories coming out are beyond offensive.

Head butting. Spitting. Punching. Eye gouging.

It seems that the stories of abuses at Gitmo ARE true. There is definitely, no-doubt-about-it, abuse going on at Gitmo, just as you've been told.

Only one slight modification to the story that's been plastered all over the press:

The ones being abused are our troops, and the stories are just...disgusting:

...the Defense Department has documented hundreds of attacks by Guantanamo detainees on Military Police guards since 2002, ranging from head butting and spitting to routine dousing with cups filled with feces, urine, vomit and sperm.

The guards also have been repeatedly grabbed, punched or assaulted by prisoners who reach through small "bean holes" used to deliver food and blankets through cell doors, the reports say...
So where, exactly, is the outcry? Well, there isn't any. See, the we-support-the-troops-but-don't-support-the-war crowd isn't interested in helping these victims of abuse. After all, it would take far too much time away from feeling sorry for the poor detainees. And let's face it - these are troops. How much risk could it really be, guarding poor, wrongly-detained innocents?

A detainee "reached under the face mask of an IRF (Initial Reaction Force) team member's helmet and scratched his face, attempting to gouge his eyes," states a May 27, 2005, report on an effort to remove a recalcitrant prisoner from his cell.

Feel bad for the animals in Gitmo? I think I'll save my sympathy and my efforts for our troops, thanks.
