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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Rolling Victory Fast at Kat's Blog

The Tanker Brothers Rolling Victory Fast has been plugging away for over a month now. Starting at midnight, AuntyBrat over at Yikes! (Kat's Blog) takes her turn. Actually, since Aussie Chic's joining her, they're already underway. Both are Soldiers' Angels, too!

You can check out the posts, and send them your support, here.

For more on the Rolling Victory Fast, here's some info from the Tanker Brothers:
Okay, here's the deal: In light of the stupid "Rolling Fast" Stunt that the Crazy Hollywood Left and Code Pinko have come up with, we here at the Tanker Brothers have decided to come up with our own version: "The 2006 Tanker Brothers Rolling Victory Fast!"

But we need your help: pledge to fast for one day. Just one single day to show your support for those of us who would stand in Crazy Cindy's way. Support us like this: we're proposing a "Rolling Fast", Hollywood Style. I'll kick it off: I will pledge to fast for the first day (we'll kick this off on Sunday, 9 July 2006), and hand it off to someone, Sean Penn-style...

You can find out more, and and sign up, here.