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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hezbollah Hates Condi, Too

So the allegation that radical Islam is a racist, intolerant entity, breeding hate and violence is misguided, eh? how do you explain this?

Found at OpinionBug

Israel's been dealing with Anti-Semitic Palestinian cartoons for years. Cartoons depicting Jews as murdering thieves are more or less daily fare in Palestinian papers.

And now the focus is Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

Published in the U.S., I would hope that this cartoon would draw fire from all directions. Published by the poor, misunderstood Palestinians, however...well, they're just frustrated.

Nevermind that their "It's about our land" argument falls apart when you find out that they say that if Israel would just convert to Islam, their conflict would end.

Nevermind that their argument that if Israel would just pull out of Gaza, things would be fine quickly fell apart when Israel called their bluff.

No, none of those things matter. After all, Hezbollah isn't even a terrorist organization, in the oh-so-learned opinion of the U.N.'s number 2, Mark Malloch Brown.

Where are the civil rights groups? Where is the Left? What would the reaction be at a U.S. cartoon depicting Kofi Annan with the same level of racist malevolence?

At what point are we as a world going to realize just how virulent Islamofascism really is, and stop making excuses for it?

I don't think I'll hold my breath while I wait.