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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Natalia's Corner - Thank you from Natalia and Maxwell

Hi Pam,
I want to thank you and Soldiers Angels, for the beautiful bouquets and cards I have received (Note from Pam - Way to go, Operation Outreach Team!). I really have no words to describe how Maxwell and I feel about each one of them...

I am attaching an email I received from Maxwell addressing

You have his permission to post it if you'd like to...



To all the great people who care and support their troops,

Hi my name is Maxwell,

I am currently serving over seas in Iraq. I would like to thank all the people who have sent me care packages, it really helped boost the moral of myself and my fellow soldiers. Being in Iraq is an experience that I thought would never happen. Believe me I would rather be home with my family, but there are people who need our help here, and I am proud to be a part of the best military in the world.

Each day gets a little harder to deal with, but my family makes it easier for me to handle the situation. Since my deployment begun, my wife has been by my side, never faltering, and understanding the situation we were put in. She has been the emotional and mental support that I have needed throughout my deployment. If she reads this thank you baby!!! for everything. My son is seven months old and I can't wait for he and I to spend time together, and I also got great news, that my wife and I will have a new addition to our family.

My days are getting numbered now and the excitement I am feeling is unmeasurable. There is one thing I can say for sure, that as proud as I am to serve my country, I will not miss this place. But my wife and I will continue to support our replacement and the ones after them.

I can't express the appreciation that I have for all those who care for their soldiers and help support us while we are in this fight, thank you!



Maxwell and Natalia - anything we do is just our way of thanking YOU for all that you sacrifice, endure, and do for all of us.

Take care, and stay safe, Maxwell!


Additional NOTES from Pam:
* Certain details will be edited to protect security concerns or family privacy. My edits appear in brackets [ ]. Any personal details that appear in these posts have been approved by Natalia and/or Maxwell.

* Maxwell's status as the blog's "adopted" Hero, and Natalia's posts about her experiences, should NOT be construed as their endorsement of any opinion I post on this blog, or representative of any policy or position of the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, or any other government entity. This is merely a way to allow readers to learn more about what military families experience, and to offer an opportunity to support a deployed Hero and his family.

* To learn what you can do to help, click on Maxwell's picture over on the left, or go here.
To adopt "your own" Hero, visit Soldiers' Angels.

For more information on how to help Soldiers' Angels support the families of deployed Heroes, visit Soldiers' Angels Operation Outreach.