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Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Two Cents: No Mercy

Worst case scenario, we're looking at World War III here.

Best case scenario, we're looking in a battle of World War III here.

Let's face it, we're IN World War III - it's just that there are a lot of people who don't seem to get that.

[Note 7/16: As some have pointed out, the Cold War is often referred to as WWIII, which would put us at WWIV. Not sure I agree with that, but I'm willing to concede the point. -- P.]

The War on Terror, as I've said before, isn't a theoretical one. It isn't a catch phrase. It's real. Muslim extremism is a threat to the entire world - not just the western world. Muslim terrorists are responsible for the deaths of innocents on a daily basis - as of this post, more than 5,358 documented attacks since 9/11.

And nowhere has that conflict been highlighted in the past several decades than Israel. It never ceases to amaze me that the entire world seems to want to blame Israel for defending its right to exist. Then again, maybe not such a surprise - they do the same to us. Heck, even our own legislators do the same to us.

I will grant that the way Israel was initially created was not ideal. But then again, neither was World War II. The fact is, they're here. Talking heads, from our Arab "friends," to the Pope, to the UN, to the EU, to nutcases like Ahmadinejad, are condeming Israel for defending itself. As they always have. Israel is a convenient target in a world that decries condeming all Muslims for the actions of an "exremist few," but is all too willing to condemn Israelis for self-defense, to ignore anti-semitism. After all, it's not their problem, is it?

Let's not forget we recently had two soldiers abducted, too. We know what the score is. What would we be willing to do in defense of our heroes? Then again, maybe it's best not to answer that question, because in the present climate, there are some who would argue with the US' right to defend its soldiers, too.

The world has largely thought of conflict in the Gaza strip and West Bank as something that was Israel's problem. Arab nations, while quick to defend the Palestinians when it suits their purposes, are conveniently ignoring one basic fact - they sure as heck don't want the Palestinians in THEIR lands. They have, in fact, outright refused to provide sanctuary for them. Truth is, the Palestinians are seen by their Arab "brothers" in the same type of light as Gypsies in Europe. They're around, but no one really wants to see them. They're part of society, but not a welcome one. And they are merely a convenient route to condeming Israel, the US, and anyone that doesn't think the way the Arab nations do.

I have not always agreed with Israel's tactics. But let's consider what they've been saying, and what they've been doing, in light of events of recent years. Who's right in this situation?

Israel was shouting to the rafters that Arafat was not doing what he could to stop terrorism, that in fact, he was giving orders out of one side of his mouth, while touting peace with the other. Liberal US Presidents were heralded as a hero for work to bring peace to the area - for short periods of time. It always failed. And the "peace" was accomplished by ignoring what Israel knew, what the world would eventually know too. Israel was right.

Israel said the world just did not know what it was dealing with. Muslim extremism was a grave danger, and groups like Hamas were a world problem, not an Israeli problem. That the only language these people understood was violence. Right again.

Israel consistently modified its policies when pressed by the US and others. Israel would pull back from military action, come to the table again and again, negotiate with the very people that were murdering its citizens on a regular basis. Even when past cease-fires had failed. Even when threats were issued. Even when people died. When US troops were in Iraq, and Israel was threatened with a missile attack - and then indeed, attacked, they responded that they would use all available means, including nuclear, to defend themselves. In response to the US' concerns, they agreed to use a missile defense system to defend themselves instead. Israel decided that being an ally meant respecting the needs of your ally in wartime. Right again.

They pulled out of the Gaza Strip in an effort to compromise, though they told the world that this would not bring peace. They warned of escalation when terrorism became a form of government. They warned that this would not bring peace, either. They waited, quietly, while Hamas issued its usual doublespeak, "Wipe Israel off the face of the earth" - "We will negotiate" - "Attacks will not stop" - "We will co-exist." They waited, and they cautioned that the leopard had not changed its spots. They waited while Iran stated a governmental policy of desiring Israel wiped off the map. They advised that Iran and Syria were directly supporting terrorism, and that Lebanon was the puppet of terrorists. They warned that a storm was coming. Right again.

Israel knows Hezbollah better than anyone else in the world. But lest we forget, the US should know them too. Do you remember?

Israel has EVERY RIGHT to defend itself. It needs no one's permission to do so. It has EVERY RIGHT to pursue the recovery of its captured Soldiers. It is combatting terrorists, and isn't that what we're supposed to be doing? What most of the WORLD has acknowledged needs to be done? Israel is fighting on another front on the War on Terror. It is not talking. It is not compromising. It is not waiting - not anymore. Israel knows the time for action has come. Right again.

Israel knows what Hezbollah is capable of. Do you remember what they are capable of?

Hezbollah has declared open war against Israel. Iran has said that an attack on Syria is an attack on Islam - basically, "Hit them, and we're in." Then again, they're in already. Iran founded Hezbollah. Remember who they are yet?

I remember. And that is why if I could, I would send Israel 242 brass plates, to be affixed to munitions bound for Hezbollah targets. Or better yet, bombs themselves - with plates.

One would say the following:

In memory of SW-2 Robert Dean Stethem, USN

The other 241 would bear the names of servicemembers too - 220 of them US Marines; the rest Army and Navy.

Israel, a consistent, valued US ally, is simply taking a lesson from a familiar US military motto: No better friend, no worse enemy.

Israel does not owe Hezbollah any mercy.

Neither do we.

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