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Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Merry Moonbat Revisited

It never ceases to mystify me what posts I get Moonbat comments on. Most of nasty comments I get are in the most innocuous posts… Pictures of heroes are a frequent choice. Last night, I got this:

Wow look what I just read somewhere!

"The U.S. has lost the war in Iraq. If the measure of success is that Iraq is no longer a threat to the U.S, which I believe was the original reason for the war in the first place, then the war in Iraq is lost. If you could imagine a young Iraqi from Fallujah, who has lost his parents, coming to the U.S. in 5 years and blowing himself up in a terrorist attack, then Iraq is more of a threat now then it ever was before the war. The only way to win the war now, is to significantly increase troop levels and to spend a lot more in dollars and lives to pacify the country. There is no political will by either Republicans or Democrats to do this. The war is lost and is a miserable failure. Get out and move on.

The tragedy is that the world will be dealing with the ramifications of this loss for years, and certainly long after this administration is dead and buried. Great legacy Bush! Score one for Osama, as it couldn't have played out any better for him."

Game over.

I guess it all works out, though, ‘cause between that and the “rolling” Moonbat fast, I’ve once again been inspired:

The Merry Moonbat, Episode II
I met again my Moonbat friend while headed to the store
He spotted me and made a face as I approached the door.
“Ho, Moonie-bat,” I called to him, “how are you this fine day?”
“I’m fasting,” he told me with pride, “I skipped my lunch today.”

“Ah,” I nodded, smiled, and said, “That Troops Home Fast’, I guess.”
The Moonie-bat then raised his chin, nodded, and said, “Yes.”
“Well good for you,” said I, in jest, “I really must admire
Those who’ll bravely ‘sacrifice’ to harm those under fire.”

“Bravo, Moonbat – you’re doing well – you’re letting all folks know
How silly all your protests are, and just how far you’ll go.
You’re showing them exactly how committed to your cause
You Moonbats are – you’ll even take a gastronomic pause!”

The Moonbat frowned – he didn’t like my ‘compliment,’ it seemed,
And then with renewed vigor, he veritably beamed,
“You know your game is over, you warmongering buffoon,
I read it, somewhere - you must know your warring ways are doomed.

“Iraq’s a pure disaster, and you know it, brutish friend,
Halliburton’s headed out, and civil war’s at hand
Nothing’s been accomplished, and now there’s Israel,
You realize it’s all Bushie’s fault – and you can’t help but fail.

“Iraq’s a bigger threat to us than any time before,
All because of Bushie and his ill-justified war
Now Iraqis have a cause to come and hit us here
All because you warmongers spread violence and fear.

“So if your cause was getting rid of an impending threat
You’ve clearly failed, because it’s growing even stronger yet.
The only way to win it now is more troops and more cash.
Maybe Bush could have himself some rich warmonger bash.”

“Don’t you think Bin Laden’s celebrating at our loss?
Don’t you think he’s glad we’ve paid a monumental cost?
To help a country that we know was doing great before
Saddam was nice compared to what they’ve gotten with this war.”

“You know,” I said, “you Moonbats really need a newer tune.
For centuries, you’ve sung the same anthem to gloom and doom
Two hundred thirty years ago, we shouldn’t leave the King
Sixty years ago it was a ‘European thing.’

Forty years ago it was a quagmire, you folks claimed
And now you all are playing the same tired, coward’s game
You all say, at each new point, you just don’t like THIS war
But you’ve all said it just that way a hundred times before.

You all claim to care about the weakest of the world
But don’t you think they benefit when freedom is unfurled?
Don’t you think that when a country stands for liberty
It has an obligation, a responsibility

To stand strong and defend it, whome’er the foe may be
By standing up for freedom there, it’s saved for you and me
Don’t you think that it is good to take out terrorists?
Dictators and lunatics and crazy egotists?

And how do we negotiate with those that mean us harm?
How do we lie down with those who kill, and maim, and bomb?
How do we just stand and watch a maniac build stocks
Of weapons that would devastate scores of our city blocks?

If we say we’re representing freedom, life, and hope
How can we abandon those who clearly cannot hope
To rise above the cruelty, strife, and famine they endure
From some demented nutcase, when there’s only one real cure.

The enemy has no restraint when seeing its cause through
And yet at home, we’re faced with weak-kneed Moonie-bats like you
Who gladly embrace cut and run, and say that we should go
But you lamented leaving in that Gulf War I, you know.

Bush I listened, to that Moonbat-touted, ‘get out’ talk
All that “Leave Iraq” -- he did – we had our Heroes walk
We left that one, and back we are, to finish up the task
And then you all quick-changed your tune “Why did we leave?” you asked

Of course, now, you’re all yelling that we just should up and quit
That’s always what you Moonbats say, your nerves aren’t worth my spit
“It’s ‘Bush lied, they died’ if we fight; it’s ‘Should have’ if we don’t
It’s interference if we’ll act; it’s blindness if we won’t.

We’re winning this war, Moonie-bat – there’s no doubt in my mind.
The enemy that worries me’s a slightly different kind
I know that we’ll win out over Bin Laden and his kin
The one that really worries me’s the enemy within.

Progressives (re-tooled Socialists) and far-left Democrats
Are doing damage far worse than Bin Laden’s slimy rats
Altruism doesn’t work – it only hurts the strong
And any land that made it policy would fall ere long

Hiding ostrich heads in sand will only have one end
It only means that you won’t see attacks that they will send.
Cut-and-run has never led to peace or dignity
I don’t know why one would choose a road so cowardly.

In the end, you Moonie-bats are weak-kneed hypocrites
You whine, and gripe, and criticize, and have your temper fits
You hide behind that flag you burn, and say your cause is true
Well, truth is, we'd be better off – sans Moonie-bats like you."

My Moonbat friend was speechless, then he sadly shook his head.
“You still won’t learn. You still don’t get it – pity,” he then said.
And so again, we parted ways, more opposites than kin,
For winners never quit, you see – and quitters never win.

Pam, 2006