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Friday, June 16, 2006

Natalia's Corner - Deployment, Part III

Once in Iraq, the phone calls were not 2 to 4 times a day anymore, and now they were timed (30 min.) the time difference, long lines and the fact that I didn't have a computer made our communication limited.

I was 7 months into the pregnancy and started feeling very sick to the point I could barely get out of bed to go to work. When I went to see my ob/gyn, I started crying trying to express to the doctor the way I was feeling, he told me ( I was just depressed and gave me a prescription for Zoloft, he said, that was going to take care of my problem).

I switched doctors the same day and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, I kept it to myself for a while (didn't want to worry my husband) and took maternity leave sooner, good thing I did, I started having 5 to 6 appoinments a week. Between finger pokes and 3 Insulin shots a day on my belly, I told Maxwell the news.

Then it was my 28th birthday, took the kids to a fancy restaurant, but oh boy! that was my worst birthday ever.

Once November came, things got a lot better for me....


Need to catch up on Natalia's Corner?
Deployment, Part I
Deployment, Part II

Additional NOTES from Pam:
* Certain details will be edited to protect security concerns or family privacy. My edits appear in brackets [ ].

* Maxwell's status as the blog's "adopted" Hero, and Natalia's posts about her experiences, should NOT be construed as their endorsement of any opinion I post on this blog, or representative of any policy or position of the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, or any other government entity. This is merely a way to allow readers to learn more about what military families experience, and to offer an opportunity to support a deployed Hero and his family.

* To learn what you can do to help, click on Maxwell's picture over on the left, or go here.
To adopt "your own" Hero, visit Soldiers' Angels.