MoveAmericaForward's Pro-Troop Ads Debut Today!
A national television advertising blitz by Move America Forward (website: ) thanking U.S. troops for their efforts in the war on terrorism debuts THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd on the Fox News Channel. The ad campaign will soon expand to CNN and major network affiliates (NBC, ABC, CBS).
The ads will first run on Fox News Channel on Thursday, from 12:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern // 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific. Watch for the ads - and tape/record them so you can see them in good quality again, and so you can show them to others. Feel free to email pro-troop radio talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and others and be sure they know about our efforts.
Also supporting the TV ad campaign will be two radio ads that urge Americans to stand behind our troops AND their missions in the war on terrorism.
To view/hear the ads follow these links:
*TV Ad - "America Says Thank You"
*Radio Ad1 - "Winning the War Against Terrorism"
*Radio Ad2 - "America Thanks You"
Help us get these messages broadcast on stations throughout the nation.
Make a contribution to Move America Forward's pro-troop ad fund