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Tuesday, June 20, 2006


June 19, 2006
Contact: Robert Dixon (916) 441- 6197

B L O G S H O C K E R !

Daily Kos Embraces Pro-Troop “Move America Forward”

(SAN FRANCISCO) – Liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, founder of the popular left-of-center blog,, has just returned from his first annual "YearlyKos" convention by embracing a surprising mantra: that of the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization, Move America Forward (website:

In a posting headlined "Move America Forward" the blogger "Kos" denounced the former Dean campaign’s slogan of “Take America Back” as being "regressive."

"…let's remind people that we are focused on the future. And that's where we want to take our country."

So Kos’s solution? He wants to embrace the slogan "Move America Forward."

[See: ]

In response to his online proposal, Move America Forward’s Executive Director, Robert Dixon, said he welcomed Markos Zuniga to the pro-troop family.

"For the past couple years, has served as home of some of the most irresponsible anti-military and ‘Blame America First’ propaganda. I don’t think many of the contributors to that blog understand that America has been attacked and our nations is now at war, because in many of their posts it seems as if they are rooting for the United States and our Coalition Partners to lose the war," said Dixon.

"Given the media’s extensive praise for Mr. Zuniga’s talents and abilities, it strikes me that Mr. Zuniga could be so oblivious to the existence of Move America Forward as the nation’s leading pro-troop organization. Our organization has been discussed in vivid terms dozens of times at the site.

"If it is not a moment of gross naivitae on the part of Mr. Zuniga, perhaps he has finally woken up to how bankrupt the ideas advanced by his fellow travelers in the ‘Blame America First’ movement are," Dixon said.

"We would encourage Markos Zuniga to continue to embrace "Move America Forward" as his slogan and do what is right by showing his true support for the mission our men and women are serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are always welcoming convert to the 'Support Our Troops' movement," Dixon concluded.