Some are in remote areas. Some just simply don't know what to say.
And then, sometimes, you get a letter that just says it all. The letter below, received by Sara at Soldiers' Angels, is one of them:
Following is a letter I received from the Commanding Officer of a young infantry soldier that I had been writing to and sending packages to in the summer of 2003. He didn't write back too often, but in one of his rare letters he wrote about how great it was to be getting support since his unit had just been "hit" by an RPG and he had lost several of his buddies. He had a close call himself and was very shaken by the experience. He said that getting letters of support had helped him get through those difficult times. In the spring of 2004, I received a note saying that his unit was leaving Baghdad and thanking me again for all the support (he also enclosed a snapshot so I could finally "meet" him).
Dec 18, 2003
Dear "Army Mom,"
Just wanted to take a second to tell you what happened in Iraq today. It was raining - and I was just coming in to my headquarters when when I passed by one of my newer soldiers - an immigrant from the former Soviet Union - and one of my BEST privates.
I was stopped in my tracks, for behold - on such a dreary day he was smiling. I was being funny (at first) and I said "awww you got a package with some goodies? Who sent that to you?" And as I expected to hear him say "my mom (or something like that)" he turned his face to me and said "I don't know...." he had a smile on his face.....and as I saw his eyes glazing he said " ...that's why I was smiling" and at that my eyes began to glaze too.
I can never take for granted their service, not for one minute - not for one second. And now...even in a hell like this - God has sent yet another Angel.
I'll bet you didn't know that did you? How truly amazing - how close we come to God in such a far away place.
And how silly I am for thinking that this private's safety is for me only to keep. Seems there are many who share this burden-and make me sleep sound.
You made one of my soldiers smile today - sitting there by himself - and for that, you have touched my soul.
I'd thank you, but that's not why Angels do what they do (I know). So instead I'll just say - Well Done! You can rest easy, message received. And I'll do my best to bring them home. I owe God one ;-)
Thank you from my soul,
PS From the Fourth Army son of a mom like you no doubt.
Dec 18, 2003
Dear "Army Mom,"
Just wanted to take a second to tell you what happened in Iraq today. It was raining - and I was just coming in to my headquarters when when I passed by one of my newer soldiers - an immigrant from the former Soviet Union - and one of my BEST privates.
I was stopped in my tracks, for behold - on such a dreary day he was smiling. I was being funny (at first) and I said "awww you got a package with some goodies? Who sent that to you?" And as I expected to hear him say "my mom (or something like that)" he turned his face to me and said "I don't know...." he had a smile on his face.....and as I saw his eyes glazing he said " ...that's why I was smiling" and at that my eyes began to glaze too.
I can never take for granted their service, not for one minute - not for one second. And now...even in a hell like this - God has sent yet another Angel.
I'll bet you didn't know that did you? How truly amazing - how close we come to God in such a far away place.
And how silly I am for thinking that this private's safety is for me only to keep. Seems there are many who share this burden-and make me sleep sound.
You made one of my soldiers smile today - sitting there by himself - and for that, you have touched my soul.
I'd thank you, but that's not why Angels do what they do (I know). So instead I'll just say - Well Done! You can rest easy, message received. And I'll do my best to bring them home. I owe God one ;-)
Thank you from my soul,
PS From the Fourth Army son of a mom like you no doubt.
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