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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Free Speech is a Right - But Only for the Left

Episode #2: Death Threats to The Censure Carter Committee
(previous episode here)

I've been posting the Censure Carter Committee updates as I receive them. While the response on the part of the Left has been pretty much as expected so far, that's just changed.

Then again, maybe it's not so much of a surprise (received via email):

There's a complete report on the death threats made against the staff and family members by Jimmy Carter's supporters, but first there's some breaking news from NBC 11 (from Carter's own backyard) about the "Censure Jimmy Carter" campaign.


You can also read the report online at this link:

*One key correction: The reporter got it wrong about whether Carter can be Censured - he can, and we've researched this matter extensively. Congress has every right to Censure any individual they so choose. There are no prohibitions for Censure of a private citizen expressed in either the U.S. Constitution or rules of the House of Representatives or U.S. Senate. So why do we want to see Jimmy Carter censured? For one very important reason: to signal to the rest of the world that when Jimmy Carter attacks American foreign policy or promotes a terrorist organization, like Hamas, he does so as an individual who has been denounced by his own Congress - the people's representative body.

You can also see the segment promoting the Censure Carter campaign on Fox News Channel here: The increasing amount of news coverage our campaign has received is extremely important because we first have to get word out to the American people about what we are doing and WHY. The next step will be to articulate to the American public in greater detail how Carter's actions are hurting Americans and emboldening those who wish to do America harm (Hamas, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, North Korea, Fidel Castro of Cuba, etc...)

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While we were busy collecting more signatures on our "Censure Jimmy Carter" petitions from tens of thousands of Americans, some of the former president's supporters were responding in a rather hateful way.Just as those in the "Blame America First" crowd have profanely denounced our troops, our military, our Commander in Chief and carried signs saying "We Support Our Troops... When They Shoot Their Officers," they now have verbally attacked and made death threats against the staff and family members of the Censure Carter Committee.

As I type this message our staff is assembling the emails and voice mails to hand over to the proper authorities, but I can tell you for now that these hate-filled missives have ranged from warnings that the lives of Censure Carter staffers would be in danger to disgusting anti-Semitic rants.

Many of the threats have been made against me, Melanie Morgan (Chairman of the Censure Carter campaign) personally.

I find it ironic that while we have sought to address our grievances with Mr. Carter through proper legislative action and through OpEds and TV commercials, Mr. Carter's supporters have instead chosen to respond with threats of physical violence and hate-filled speech.

You can see why they don't call them the "Love America First" crowd folks.

Please stay tuned for more updates about our campaign. We have some exciting news to announce over the next few days.


These ads are an important way for us to reach out to the American public and we are currently producing a new television ad that documents who the victims of Jimmy Carter's actions have been.

Learn more about Congressional Censure here:

A quick internet search reveals that a censure, which is a formal statement of disapproval, carries no "official" penalty - it's simply a statement that Congress doesn't approve. The damage is in perception, in the loss of "face."

And while typically used for its own members or members of the Legislative branch, Congress has, in the past, approved motions to censure non-Congressional government officials. There is no express prohibition against censuring inactive government members that I've found. In fact, part of the issue is that there is no explicit authority or limitations on censure found at all in the Constitution.

Wouldn't it follow, then, that if past Presidents wander back into the political playing field, that they'd be a logical choice, too?

And whether they can or not - death threats??

I'm reminded of moonbats of old - promoting "peace" and throwing bottles or rocks at the National Guard - and then howling when such actions led to tragic consequences. Promoting "peace" and starting riots. Promoting "peace" and actively supporting Communists who tortured our troops, calling returning POWs who countered her "hypocrites and liars".

Then, and now, promoting "peace," and spitting on troops. The antiwar crowd promoted the "spitting as urban legend" pretty heavily with regard to Vietnam-era stories - is this one urban legend, too?

The anti-war crowd is quick to say, "that's not all of us - that's not representative." Maybe it's not all of you - but those that REALLY "don't support the war, but support the troops" are a rarity. That is, if it really exists at all.

And let's not forget that this isn't the first time that modern antiwar folks have issued death threats. Bottom line is, same crowd, different faces. And a disturbing vision of a world where freedom of speech applies not to all of us, but only to those on the Left.
