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Monday, March 06, 2006

UPDATE: Rolling out the "Welcome Mat" for Cindy in Germany

from MaryAnn at Soldiers' Angels Germany:

Support Our Troops in Ramstein March 11

We're on!

Here's the information for the Support the Troops event countering Cindy's anti-military, anti-victory, anti-German/American partnership protest in Germany:
Saturday, March 11, 200612:00 - 16:00Ramstein Airbase, West Gate (at the roundabout)
Please send an email here to let us know you're coming and to receive further updates.

More to follow.

From our friend Ray at David's Medienkritik in Germany:
Cindy Sheehan will be in Germany this upcoming weekend to spread her message of retreat and defeat as she marches from a church in Landstuhl (a town where wounded American soldiers are treated) to a location outside Ramstein Airbase where she plans to set up another "Camp Casey."
But not everyone is planning to sit around and silently watch the German media fawn and drool over Ms. Sheehan. Several groups are organizing a peaceful counter demonstration to support American and Coalition soldiers and victory in Iraq. We strongly encourage all of our readers in Germany and surrounding areas to converge on Ramstein this Saturday to take part! --