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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

If the War on Terror Was Left to Your Average Joe...

...we'd be in some serious trouble.

Visit ROFASix for the skinny on who'd be the next target if your average schmuck was calling the shots in the War on Terror - with your average schmuck's map knowledge. Look out down under! Apparently, all of these folks learned geography in Jay Bennish's class.

NOTR's also got a really cool video of a JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile) test. I'm hoping Osama gets a new houseguest in the near future.

And if you've the stomach, NOTR's also got the trailer to Valley of the Wolves Iraq, the disgusting Turkish film that trashes our troops - and includes Billy Zane and Gary Busey among its cast. Remember, it's not a war for oil, folks - it's all about stealing organs for Israel.