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Friday, January 20, 2006

What it Takes...

Yesterday, I posed the question "Have You Got What It Takes to be a Soldiers' Angel?"

Exchanging emails yesterday with MaryAnn of Soldiers' Angels Germany, I started a somewhat tongue-in-cheek list of what it takes.

I started with the first six, below. I've expanded it some.

Here it is (and Angels, please feel free to add additional ones in the comments section!). I'll add more as they come to me.

1. Lots of stamps. Seriously. Lots.

2. An Orphan Annie secret decoder ring, military address edition.

3. Lots of envelopes. Seriously. Lots.

4. Happy-dancing ability (for use when you receive "free mail")

5. Lots of mailing tape. Seriously. Lots.

6. Oodles of support for our Heroes.

7. Priority mail boxes. Yeah, you know it - lots.

8. A space in your house to stock "soldier stuff" (Two large boxes - in my kitchen, and half of the hall closet)

9. The ability to brag shamelessly about your adoptee.

10. The ability to brag shamelessly about all Soldiers.

11. The ability to brag shamelessly about all Sailors.

12. The ability to brag shamelessly about all Airmen

13. The ability to brag shamelessly about all Marines.

14. The ability to brag shamelessly about all Coasties.

15. Numerous joke sites saved in your internet "favorites"

16. A patient spouse / significant other (Get away from the brownies. That's not for you - it's Soldier stuff.)

17. The knowledge that Marines are Marines, not Soldiers :)

18. When to say HOOAH, and when to say OOO-RAH

19. The address of the nearest Target / WalMart / military surplus store - and knowing the best route to get there.

20. A copy of Cliff Knizley's "Letters to Baghdad: a tribute to our troops." OK, it's not a requirement, but I figured it was an opportunity to remind you to get a copy!