Check out this piece by Guy Adams - a story of heroes past and present, originally posted at Renew America in October:
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They serve for me — blame me.
They were wounded for me — blame me.
They died for my freedom — blame me.
In my heart, every day is Memorial Day.
There is a lot of contention regarding the war on terror recently. I don't understand why. We're at war with people who would destroy us without thinking twice. I certainly respect the feelings of mothers who have lost children in the service of our country. In another way I also thank people like them, because the precious sacrifices of their children keep me free. God bless them, for they have offered up a priceless sacrifice. The anti-war activists among them do America great harm. They undermine morale at home and on the battlefield. They have gone too far for too long...
...War is indeed costly, both to the soldier and to their family. It is also costly to America as we lose the best among us, but sometimes it is necessary. It is impossible to surpass the eloquence and spirit behind Lincoln's timeless words to a grieving mother. However, I will try to share my own personal gratitude to those who served, were wounded or who have fallen in battle, past or present, to ensure my freedom...
Read the rest here.
Thanks to Judy for passing this along.