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Monday, December 05, 2005

Wounded Walter Reed Hero Told to Die!

Fox News this morning ran an unbelievable story.

I've said it over and over - there's a real thin line between anti-war and anti-troop, and it gets tromped right over all the time...

Wounded Hero Joshua Sparling, recovering from wounds received in Ramadi, Iraq, has received only one Christmas card so far this year.

It says (if you can believe this):

Dear soldier,
Have a great time in the war and have a great time dieing (sic) in the war.


P.S. - DIE

It's written as if a young child wrote it - the card front is decorated with patriotic stamps. If - and it's definitely "if" - a child wrote it, they were most certainly prompted.

It's pathetic, disgusting, and absolutely wrong.

Fox posted Joshua's address - this is one Hero who deserves a shower of cards from those who support our troops:

Joshua Sparling
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

An angry Sparling, by the way, keeps the card above his bed to motivate him.

More to be posted on the Fox Friends Insider today.

My card will be in the mail this morning.

Card's on the way! Two Babes and a Brain has a picture of the card, and links to other blogs talking about this, including Michelle Malkin, who also has pictures up.