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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Honoring the Honorable

Passed along by Seamus

Dec 12, 2005
by Congressman Joe Wilson

Dear Servicemember,

Teddy Roosevelt once said, "far and away, the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

As a member of the United States Armed Forces, your work is making a difference daily in the lives of millions of people throughout the world. You have volunteered to take on an incredible responsibility, and you continue to exceed our expectations. For centuries, U.S. soldiers have protected American families, guarded our coasts, saved our cities, and paved the way for our children and grandchildren to enjoy the same freedoms we cherish today. The work you are doing today is furthering the greatest spread of freedom and democracy in the history of the world. While most people cannot claim they risked their lives for something that is greater than themselves, you have earned this honor.

Tremendous responsibility rarely comes without great sacrifice. As you fight the War on Terrorism by land, air, and sea, I can only imagine how much you miss your family, your friends, and the comforts of home. American families are now celebrating the holiday season, and your absence is felt in your communities. While we continue to enjoy the blessings of living in our great nation, we will never forget that the American way of life is made possible by your service. You remain in the thoughts and prayers of every American.

Since our country was attacked on September 11, 2001, you have played a critical role in spreading peace through strength. Where a brutal dictator once ruled in Iraq, a new democracy has now begun to flourish. Where women were dominated by an oppressive regime in Afghanistan, they now play a critical role in their country and are enjoying the rights and privileges of democratic societies. Where terrorists once seeped through the borders of Pakistan, they are now being captured by American and Pakistani forces. Where murderers once plotted disastrous attacks against innocent civilians, they are now detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Where terrorists once found safe haven in the Horn of Africa, they are now on the run and unable to access the critical support they need to carry out their fanaticism. In country after country, you are stopping terrorists and ultimately protecting American families.

As a member of Congress, I have had the unique opportunity to visit your battlefields and witness your many successes. Each week, you are capturing terrorists, rebuilding communities, and giving people around the world the chance to experience opportunities that only exist in free nations. Although the media rarely reports your victories, I strongly believe that the American people recognize that you are making tremendous progress. The threat of terrorism is not temporary and your service will remain essential for years to come. We will continue to stand behind you and to entrust you with the duty of protecting our country and our families. As you resolve crises and destroy the enemies of democracy throughout the world, you reflect precisely why we must prevail in this war. You are the definition of decency, the embodiment of excellence, and the meaning of strength. Your presence abroad is securing our safety at home.

Thank-A-Soldier Week provides Americans with an outstanding outlet to personally express our appreciation to you, the brave men and women who make our freedoms possible. As the father of three sons serving in the military (including one who served for a year in Iraq), I fully understand how important it is for you to know that we support your mission. I am sure Americans throughout the world would agree with me when I say that we have never been prouder of our men and women in uniform.Although I will never be able to fully express my gratitude, I can guarantee you my unwavering support. As you continue to work for the best prize that life has to offer, never underestimate your contribution or forget how much your efforts mean to the American people.

Congressman Joe Wilson is Co-Chair of the Victory in Iraq Caucus and a member of the House Armed Services Committee. He has visited Iraq 5 times and served in the National Guard for over 31 years.

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