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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Project Valour-IT - Into the Homestretch

Less than $3,000. As of this post, that's all we need to meet our goal of $21,000. But time is running out - the blog competition ends on Friday.

The donations so far have been incredible. Thanks to all of you who have put your money towards helping this awesome project. But as we move into the final hours of the blog competition, getting the word out is key to meeting our goal. Please post about Valour-IT, email friends, post flyers - whatever it takes to get the word out as widely as possible.

Visit BlackFive for some updates, as well as information on several auctions to benefit Valour-IT (including his auctioning of one month of advertising on his blog).

C'mon, folks - don't let Navy close on us - help to bring Army through the homestretch in front!

And speaking of getting the word out widely - a big HOOAHH again to Carren Ziegenfuss for doing an incredible job today on MSNBC's "Connected Coast to Coast"!