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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Letter from a Hero

This has been an awesome week as far as mail addition to an awesome letter from my adopted Hero in Afghanistan, I've gotten two letters in the past week from heroes I've written to as part of the Soldiers' Angels Letter Writing Team.

One of them came on U.S. Marine Corps stationery, and I wanted to share it with you. When you read it, you'll see why...

Hey Pam,
Thanks for the words of support. I really appreceiate any words of motivation from my fellow Americans back in the U.S. It means a lot to me to hear from people who care. Thank you for all the time and sacrifice that you put into letting us know that. We all like to be reminded from time to time what we are fighting for, and that is a nation that supports us in what we are doing. It is that motivation that helps us continue the fight, so you can know that you play a large part in the history of Iraq and the freedom that they will have and that feeling of accomplishment can never be taken away from you. So thanks again, and God Bless you.

Your friend,

(A USMC Lance Corporal)

I can't even begin to tell you how humbling it is to be thanked by a deployed hero.

D--, Keep your helmet on - take care, stay safe, and Semper Fi.