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Thursday, September 01, 2005

"Walking With Heroes"

I ordered my copy of "Walking With Heroes" right when I found out about it - the day I posted about it. Got it a couple of days ago. Read it, cover to cover, last night.

It's good. Really good.

From the Sgt. who served as Detention Operations Non-comissioned Officer in Charge at Gitmo.... "Almost everything that I've seen in the news about Guantanamo Bay Cuba has been false..." the military wife who started Project Comfort...
"One of my goals was that no other family had to face a deployment uneducated about the emotional and mental hurdles that would be facing them..."'s the good and the bad - the real deal from the people who know. It's not all sunshine. But it is all heroes.

It's good reading, and if you click on the banner at the top of the page, you can order a copy and support the work of Soldiers' Angels at the same time - a win-win situation.