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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

An email to Soldiers' Angels from a Hero...

Hello Everybody,
I wanted to send all of you a huge thank you for your support.We are doing good things over here contrary to what you might see in the news. It is terrible news hearing the devastation that Hurricane Katrina has caused. I know things will be taken care of at home and it always seems nothing can happen fast enough. For those of you that have family affected know that we watch the news daily here and are hoping you and your families are safe.

I have been successful in one of my first projects. Initially I was trying to get a wheelchair sent over here for a small crippled child. Well the Post Office was of no help and the freight companies wanted an arm and a leg for shipping. With the help of Soldier's Angels I was able to get it done. A gift certificate was sent to me for I still couldn't get the darn wheelchair shipped though. So I took my cash and sent one of my Interpreters ("Imad", he is a great guy, dual citizenship in Iraq and Lebanon) to Baghdad.

We were looking for some second hand wheel chairs. Not only did he get NEW wheelchairs, but he got THREE, I was blown away. Today, we are going to give one to a young old boy that can't walk. I see him crawling around each time we go to his village. I have been waiting to do this for over two months now. And we are going to give one to another boy that has a wheelchair, but his is in great need of repair. We will take his old one and get it repaired and hold onto it for a future need. The last wheelchair is going to an elderly lady. She can not walk and has had no wheelchair at all. The best thing is that none of them know we are doing this.

I will post pictures for you all to see when I return. I owe alot to all of you for your support. Doing things like this makes being here bearable. My friend, "Imad" (that's his code name) came back from Lebanon to help as interpreter so he could make a difference in his home land. He too could not believe the support from back home and thanks you also. Mission One accomplished.

I have received several boxes of school supplies from some of you and I thank you for that also. School starts here on the 15th this month. We will be going to the local schools to hand out the supplies. Just so you know, we are in a poor farming community where there is only a primary school, grades one through six. Most of the kids do not go on the secondary school as it is too far away, in the city. The families can't afford to send them. It actually costs $10 US for each kid to go to school. Our unit has agreed to pay the money for any family that truly can't afford it. Last week we delivered a generator to one of the local schools. (This was Imad's project and we all chipped in to buy it) We have asked the headmaster of the school to let at least 20 children come to school for free because of our gift to his school.

I know some of you are sending sandals and shoes. I am very excited about that as well. I look forward to recieving those as well. I know all of you have done alot and probably even before I got here. I really appreciate the support. Your efforts have really helped me get through some tough days over here. I have been away from my children for almost a year now, with training for the mission and being here now almost four months. I still have at least three more months before I can come come on leave. And then another four more months here. All told it will be about 18 months away from home. When we are not on patrol or working on our vehicles, or training, or sleeping, we watch movies and listen to music. But, reading your letters and emails really make me smile.

Proud to serve you!


Gotta love Soldiers' Angels - and Gotta love our Heroes!

Joe, thanks for going above and beyond, and for being the Hero that you are. Keep your helmet on - take care, and stay safe.
