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Friday, August 19, 2005

ENOUGH with Vietnam, Already!!!!

Today's Moonbat award goes to a Republican.

This story from CNN:
Hagel: Iraq growing more like Vietnam
Republican Senator says Bush should meet with protesting mom


1. This is NOT Vietnam (which, as a point of correction, we actually pretty much had won - not that you were hearing that in the news. The North Vietnamese came to the table precisely because we were kicking their butts all over the peninsula. Defeat came at the hands of the U.S. media, and associated Moonbat Brigades.) Let's not insult those who served there (like my father-in-law), or those who serve in Iraq, by even implying that this is like anything else. Vietnam was Vietnam. Iraq is Iraq.

2. BUSH ALREADY DID MEET WITH CINDY SHEEHAN. At what point, grieving mother or no, does someone have the right to DEMAND to meet with a sitting U.S. President. Hell, the guy hasn't met with me - I'd love to have a sit-down with the Pres, too. A lot of mothers and fathers have lost their kids in Iraq. You don't see them demanding to meet with the President- twice, no less! And give me a break - she wants to meet with him so she can ask him why he killed her son? He didn't. Loser terrorists did. Done. Meeting with her again isn't going to satisfy her any more than the first meeting did. She's angry, she's grief-stricken, and she's not going to be satisfied by anything other than her son back, which ain't gonna happen. See yesterday's post for my less-ticked-off thoughts on Ms. Sheehan.

3. This sort of thing is nothing new from Hagel. No doubt, he deserves respect for prior military service (for which he was decorated). But that doesn't make him an authority on war strategizing (he rose to Sergeant), and a GOP membership doesn't make him correct. In 2004, Hagel said that believed the only answer in Iraq was "repackaging the entire enterprise as an international effort." (US News) Um....Senator IS an international effort (27 nations) . Repackaging....hmm...where have we heard that sort of thing before? The idea of "repackaging" is liberal speak for "hell, if they don't like that idea, just call it something else - they're bound to buy it then!" Remember John Kerry, "reinventing" himself? Hagel is seen as a bit of a wild card, comparisons often being drawn to John McCain. And yet, even McCain distances himself from Hagel's comments on Vietnam - "I completely disagree. There are signs of progress. Yes, it's tough, and it's hard, and we've made mistakes and we paid a heavy price for those mistakes. Unfortunately, in wars, serious mistakes are made -- And there is a legitimacy to the Iraqi government that, frankly, the government of South Vietnam never had." (from CNN's Larry King Live)

4. Maybe he's just hedging his bets. In August, 2004, according to Black Box Voting, Hagel said that he was considering running for President in 2008. He's apparently purchased a couple of relevant domain names: "" and "" - and had purchased, but for obvious reasons, that's still up for grabs if you're interested. A little conservatism here, a little liberal speak there....

And for some reason, the media likes him. Quite a bit. That alone makes me suspicious.