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Sunday, July 17, 2005

When Freedom Calls, the Media is Busy Elsewhere...

Came across this news bit doing the post today....

Yemeni president won't seek new term

Hmmmm, couldn't help but wonder if his decision is in any way related to publicity surrounding an incident described over at Armies of Liberation:

Summary of events: A security guard employed by the Yemeni government took over the PFU (opposition political party) building at gunpoint. Then he took over the building of its newspaper, al-Shoura. The Yemen govt then recognized him, their own gunman, as the new leader of the party.

Nifty way to silence the oppositon, huh?

Check out the rest of the story, and keep your eyes peeled in the comments section for one Ameen Al Sharaabi, a.k.a. "porkface."

This is the kind of thing the mainstream media ought to be all over, but isn't.

Hat tip to Lt. Smash

UPDATE: "Curiouser and curiouser," said Alice. Apparently, Saleh's done this sort of "I'm not running" thing before - it's lasted as long as four days. Check out the latest at Armies of Liberation.